What would be your last words?

I prefer Liberty Prime's way to go

"Probability of Red Chinese victory...Zero. I DIE THAT DEMOCRACY MAY LIVE"
As I bleed out from my neck,my blood turning the mojave sand red,my killer smoking him a cigarette.He takes a drag and walks over to me and says"not so tuff now are you courier?"The killer neels down to me as I cough up blood."So before I end your life,I`ll let you have your last words".The killer chuckels to himself"IF you can even speak.Well,can you?"I move my head a little trying so hard not to just die here. I can`t let this asshole go.I move my left hand just enough to to let my killer know to come closer.He does come closer,moving his ear near my mouth.I say "y-you are a d-deadman"and with my right hand with all my might plunge the combat knife into his heart.As we both lay under the mojaves hot sun,I use my last,blood soaked breath to say:S-see you i-in H-Hell.As Cass runs over to me,after being stuck in a rock for damn near an hour. I think to myself:"You are a the Biggist Bi-and I die with that last thought.
[Medicine 16/50] Oh, I'll be fine. There aren't any bullets at all in the other lung.
I will use mine for my companions

Arcade: *Hand hin the C finder* I u-u-used this on i-inocent children :twisted:
Craig: Fu--** Ncr, t-t-true to Caesa-r :twisted:
Lily: You-r-r-r Gr-r-r-rand kids are d-d-dead :twisted:
Raul: Were you a-a-an illigal imigran-n-nt? :|
Cass: W-w-why didn't I kil-l-ll you when I first met y-you? :crazy:
Vericona: *Say nothing and just stare at her chest* :twisted:
Ed-e: The En-n-nclave is g-g-g-gone :twisted:
Rex: Your ne-e-e-ew brain is f-f-fake :twisted:
Bakura said:
As I bleed out from my neck,my blood turning the mojave sand red,my killer smoking him a cigarette.He takes a drag and walks over to me and says"not so tuff now are you courier?"The killer neels down to me as I cough up blood."So before I end your life,I`ll let you have your last words".The killer chuckels to himself"IF you can even speak.Well,can you?"I move my head a little trying so hard not to just die here. I can`t let this asshole go.I move my left hand just enough to to let my killer know to come closer.He does come closer,moving his ear near my mouth.I say "y-you are a d-deadman"and with my right hand with all my might plunge the combat knife into his heart.As we both lay under the mojaves hot sun,I use my last,blood soaked breath to say:S-see you i-in H-Hell.As Cass runs over to me,after being stuck in a rock for damn near an hour. I think to myself:"You are a the Biggist Bi-and I die with that last thought.
Good Choice
I would just take it easy....Knowing that I will die.....Stare at the blue sky...
and tell to myself I lived a good life...
I usually tend to wander alone in the Mojave desert so there wouldn't be anyone seeing me. And when someone finds me I'm just another victim of the wasteland. :)
Muff said:
TorontRayne said:
Beam me up God.

I am going to use that one, yep that will be the set of words I go out by and get's engraved on my tombstone.

Don't give me credit for coming up with that one though. William Shatner said it in an episode of Family Guy.
TorontRayne said:
Muff said:
TorontRayne said:
Beam me up God.

I am going to use that one, yep that will be the set of words I go out by and get's engraved on my tombstone.

Don't give me credit for coming up with that one though. William Shatner said it in an episode of Family Guy.

Really Shatner came out with that one?, I'll have to think twice about using it then...
Muff said:
TorontRayne said:
Muff said:
TorontRayne said:
Beam me up God.

I am going to use that one, yep that will be the set of words I go out by and get's engraved on my tombstone.

Don't give me credit for coming up with that one though. William Shatner said it in an episode of Family Guy.

Really Shatner came out with that one?, I'll have to think twice about using it then...

Well, Seth Mcfarlane or one of those guys did. Shatner just spoke the lines.
But still the association with Shatner puts me off, I have a deep dislike of the man.
Muff said:
But still the association with Shatner puts me off, I have a deep dislike of the man.

Haters gonna hate. Shatner is a bit of a ham, but that isn't a bad thing.