What would you do to win $35,000?

Malky said:
Lanesracra said:
You seem to be a blatant dicktree.

He is, but no worries, he generally stays confined to The Order. I don't think he would last very long amidst the general NMA population.

Yeah, you bunch of hairless little manboys are quite intimidating... :roll:


ps - So malky, you didn't answer the question. Would you suck dick for ten bucks?
Calgary's radio station CJAY 92 has had Jerry Forbes really tough contest for years now. It is identical to this one, only we are up to "Jerry Forbes toughest contest ever, we really mean it this time!"

And the prize money is $50,000.
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
I'd kill somebody for 35 k though... got somebody you want clipped? I'll give you a discount: only 60k for two... limited offer.
heh, i'd give it serious thought to clip a guy for that kinda money.

but probably only if i dont know the person, the reason behind it is sound or if i just think he's a bad person. (yes, stupid reasoning, but still)
calculon000 said:
Calgary's radio station CJAY 92 has had Jerry Forbes really tough contest for years now. It is identical to this one, only we are up to "Jerry Forbes toughest contest ever, we really mean it this time!"

And the prize money is $50,000.

Heh, but it's CALGARY. :P
heh, i'd give it serious thought to clip a guy for that kinda money.
They just raised the price of fags over here, the old price was about 1 euro a pack now it's like 1 euro and 30 cents. I need a contract soon to subsidize my vice... so anybody interested? :roll:
P.S. I hate this whole vice tax bull... it's my vice, my problem; and the medical insurance thing is not a good reason, they squander the money anyway, there's never enough money for medicine and other medical services; some politician pulls some strings and a firm owned by some of his relatives wins a public auction for medical supplies, despite of inflated prices and poor quality of the stuff and there goes the money. Seeing all this sit go down just makes you want to kill somebody :twisted:
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
They just raised the price of fags over here, the old price was about 1 euro a pack now it's like 1 euro and 30 cents. I need a contract soon to subsidize my vice... so anybody interested?

Aw, jeez, this is just too easy.
forddieselguy said:
I think it's supposed to be something you wouldn't actually do for free.

That is exactly the point of this contest. If you would do it for free then the general public wouldn't watch or participate, so what would be the sense of having it at all.

Uhhh, I think Luke was just trying to be funny...
Calgary sucks anyways. They didn't even make it past round one. The only good thing to come out of Calgary is highway 2 north. :lol:
alec said:
I would let a young and really hawt woman shit in my mouth for 35 grand.
You know: a Christina Aguilera or Paris Hilton type of woman.
And I'd eat the shit for an extra grand.

What? :look:
alec, I think they mean that they'd pay you 35K, (monopoly money, I think), not t'other way 'round.

As long as it didn't involve ingesting fecal matter or living flesh (ie. animal flesh) then I'd really have to think about what (legal, hey, it's a radio show) things I would not do for that money.

I may even hide my salami in Malky for that, so long as I could have a blindfold and a three week shower.

You make two "I'd suck dick..." comments, and every guy on the forum thinks they can stick it in my ass.

I have standards, dudes.
shave your what? :lol: Now listen son we have a nice clean forum here and we'd like to keep it that way! Your shaved lages do not belong here so keep them out of this :lol: :roll:
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
shave your what? :lol: Now listen son we have a nice clean forum here and we'd like to keep it that way! Your shaved lages do not belong here so keep the out of this :lol: :roll:

Sorry for my mistake and for that spam. I'm going out from here right now :(
