Whats more like FO3? FO3 or Bioshock?

cocacolacowboy said:
umm you do know outside of forums and off the internet ,people are capable of having discussions about games in real life?..

but what do i know,i'm just a NMA noob
Ehm, you burst onto this forum talking to people *here*, so I don't see how you talking to someone in 'real life' is at all relevant.
Sander said:
cocacolacowboy said:
umm you do know outside of forums and off the internet ,people are capable of having discussions about games in real life?..

but what do i know,i'm just a NMA noob
Ehm, you burst onto this forum talking to people *here*, so I don't see how you talking to someone in 'real life' is at all relevant.

i really dont see whats so irrelevant about it,but regardless,we'll say it is irrelevant.

as for what it is relevant...

i never said people on here flat out called bioshock=system shock 3,i said that they're making it out to be SS3 with all the bitching about it being a "half ass successor".theres a huge difference dipshit. and i i already know what developers of bioshock said.but i think they only compared the game to ss2 in articles to rake in hype.

if someone was to actually play the game they'd see it has absolutely nothing to do with SS2 aside from the 2 small similarities that I stated earlier...its not a sequel,not even a proper successor.its an entirely different game that draws a tiny bit of influence.i think there has to be alittle more than that in a game to be even a successor..SS2 and bioshock dont even take place in same setting and timeline...

terminator:futureshock must be the "spiritual prequel" to system shock 2 because the the game has "shock" in it's title :roll:
cocacolacowboy said:
i really dont see whats so irrelevant about it,but regardless,we'll say it is irrelevant.

as for what it is relevant...

i never said people on here flat out called bioshock=system shock 3,i said that they're making it out to be SS3 with all the bitching about it being a "half ass successor".theres a huge difference dipshit. and i i already know what developers of bioshock said.but i think they only compared the game to ss2 in articles to rake in hype.
Hey 'dipshit', that's exactly what people *are* complaining about. The fact that the developers have consistently claimed it's a spiritual successor to System Shock 2, while it really isn't.
people just read too much into things..bullshit aside..they didnt call it SS3..and taken at facevalue.its a good shooter.its not system shock or deus ex.but on its own, a decent game. people act like they pulled a bethsoft/fallout 3

btw i heard they actually might start working on a system shock 3 down the road,but i'm sure everyone else here already knew that