Hi Everyone,
Steven North and I are working on a game together and the idea he mentioned above has evolved since he started this thread, so I thought I'd tack this bit on.
At the start of our game there will be several groups living together in a small area (for example imagine a hotel). Some examples of the groups in the area could be staff, millionaires, entertainers, celebrities, famous sports people, famous scientists and underworld figures.
What we were thinking of doing was letting the player choose one of the NPCs from the game's story, from one of the above groups. So if you did the same thing in Fallout it would be like being able to choose to play Gizmo, Killian or almost any other NPC in the game if they could all be given the same goal.
As these NPCs belong to distinct groups, they would have their own skill sets. So a criminal would have the skills that a criminal needs (lock pick, pick pocket, fighting), an actor would be good at acting, lying, disguise and most likely have sex appeal etc.
Also the NPCs histories, professional and personal relationships would strongly determine your dialogue choices when your NPC talks to other NPCs.
So celebs and millionaires would treat staff badly, crims would be avoided by everyone unless they were needed for some skullduggery and so on
So what Steven and I want to know is would you like a game like this. You would loose control when it comes to the character stats, because you would have to choose one of the pre-made characters, but in return you would be given a richer and hopefully re-playable role playing experience.