So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

1: March/April, ended up doing a super sledge run. Finished the boneyard deathclaw mother with no stims left,1 HP, and a massive critical.
2: been a few years, I tend to make the most of the longer 'everyone dies because your slow' timer compares to 1 and spend time just having fun grinding and collecting gear, and often end up just starting over with a fresh build. Probably should do another level 99 run again, it's been like 18 years since I did that.
Tactics: 2020, maybe it was 2021.
Van Buren tech demo: been a few years, think I last played it in 2020
3: 10-12 years
NV: Within the past week or so, but started a fresh Skyrim run and I've done hundreds of hours in NV this year already.
4: early 2023
Fallout Shelter: last year at some point, another few years Ill play just long enough to remind myself why I don't play it.
76: never
2: been a few years, I tend to make the most of the longer 'everyone dies because your slow' timer compares to 1 and spend time just having fun grinding and collecting gear, and often end up just starting over with a fresh build. Probably should do another level 99 run again, it's been like 18 years since I did that.
Tactics: 2020, maybe it was 2021.
Van Buren tech demo: been a few years, think I last played it in 2020
3: 10-12 years
NV: Within the past week or so, but started a fresh Skyrim run and I've done hundreds of hours in NV this year already.
4: early 2023
Fallout Shelter: last year at some point, another few years Ill play just long enough to remind myself why I don't play it.
76: never
Hardcore is doing a mad Max (leather jacket, shotgun, crowbar) run while keeping dogmeat alive thru the endgame in 1.Hardcore mf who has played bos but not the newer titles. Respect man.