Female brains are slightly smaller than male brains. In turn, female brains have more folds.
Jarno Mikkola said:And as for the different versions of FEV, the few first patches were sayid to increase animal intelligence, but the later patches that were tested on humans, the intelligence increase was not found Arrow the super mutants are from the latest patch Question ...
and the intelligence degrease is do to the increase of mass while the brain remains the same size.(just guessing)
Ashmo said:I'm pretty sure the Unity was using something called "FEV-2" which was an improved version of FEV created by the Master. Could have been a pipe dream tho.
The Enclave's killer virus is claimed to be FEV-based as well, AFAIK, which would support the "radiation+FEV=deth"(sic) thesis.
Other than that I remember something about an airborne version of FEV, but that may have been taken from the Bible, which has been pointed out as inconsistent and largely non-canon several times.
MASTER.msg calls the FEV "FEV-2" once, so I didn't make that up. I can't find any mention of its origin tho.
Yes it does, and so does reading from here the FEV Experiment Disk. There were several patches of FEV before the war, and the enclave tried to make one that would kill every one in F2, but you released it to the oil rigs air conditioning ducts and all the unprotected civilians dyed. To support my claim I bring a few extracts from the FEV Experiment DiskRoshambo said:You know, it helps to have played Fallout 1 instead of just posting up...
Jarno Mikkola said:(Snip.)
Claw said:Odd. I seemed to recall that the wasteland dwellers were contaminated by a mutated FEV variant.
Or was that just something from the Fallout bible maybe?