Where is BIS headed?

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Well, if BIS really wanted to make another Fallout 2002 would be the perfect time. Why? Well they're currently working on Torn and it's due for release in Christmas. The other games such as Neverwinter Nights and Dark Alliance aren't really being developed by BIS.

But ofcourse as 2002 rolls around we won't be hearing anything about Fallout 3 because why would they announce it when the game won't be out for a good 18+ months?

So my best guess is that we will be playing FO3 in Christmas of 2003

or perhaps a little earlier.
my guess is that bis got what it wanted: a big community request and interest in fallout 3...

also I think that they'll start doing it as soon as the torn is released, if not some few months earlier...
No Mutants Allowed
Unfortunately it looks like if it does happen, it will be yet another rushed game with crappy QA a la FOT. For a good Fo3 comparable to the strength of the first one, I would say that it should not be released before 2003-4. That gives it a good 2-3 year development phase. FOT got 15 months, and it's a bugfest and many features, Perks, etc. are either broken, wrong, or out to lunch. You can't do a good RPG (or even tactical) game with a new engine under 2 years total and expect it to be excellent. JA2 took 3 years, and was very well done. I think that if they want to regain ANY shred of respect from the current sinking satisfaction level of the fans, they had better make sure Fallout 3 is well-done.

This is also good for a laugh, and to mirror my own wishes that Chris Taylor keeps away from Fallout as much as possible: http://www.voodooextreme.com/comments.taf?postID=16808

The only people I would trust to make a good sequel to Fallout are not with Interplay anymore. We've seen the Joe-job Interplay did with Fallout 2. Believe it or not, the groundwork was done by Cain and his group, then BIS put more on top and really skewed it to hell with easter eggs - then it was shoved out the door in a REALLY buggy state. The patches were in a cursory manner and when they stopped it was still buggy as hell, and we were promised a character converter straight from the horse's ass, Urquart. Miroslav, remember all the crappy excuses they've given over the years?

All indications point to "Future of Fallout = Dead | Fucked Up".
RE: Hehe

LOL, yup,

I still haven't decided who is the Tricky Dick of Fallout. Either Feargus or Chris...
>But ofcourse as 2002 rolls around
>we won't be hearing anything
>about Fallout 3 because why
>would they announce it when
>the game won't be out
>for a good 18+ months?

Ion Storm did it with Diakatana, a game that took so long to develop it existed throughout three eras of Quake engines to become a bigger flop than Battlefield Earth.

Hmm... they shouldn't announce it.


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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-01 AT 02:47PM (GMT)[p]Fair enough. We will see when the games come out.

Interesting points. But we all know the guy is not bitter, he said so! Remember the game industry is a small place, burning bridges is not wise. Not if you want a paid job anyway.
>[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-01
>AT 02:47 PM (GMT)
>Fair enough. We will see when
>the games come out.
>Interesting points. But we all know
>the guy is not bitter,
>he said so! Remember the
>game industry is a small
>place, burning bridges is not
>wise. Not if you want
>a paid job anyway.

And humble pie is oh so bitter.. *cough*"John Romero wants to make you his bitch.*cough*


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