Hi guys, I'm looking for some trick that might make me able to add some items directly into the equipment of my warrior. Or to modify an actually held one. Or even "teleporting" whole squad
To be precise, I'm stuck in the St. Louis mission. My APC can't move anywhere as it's stuck between two rocks a few meters before the extraction point... I've noticed that after immobilizing it by causing heavy damage, the truck is changing it's position. Problem is, I have no tool kits left... two of them which are on the table in beginning position are used as well. I tried using BoSEE and the official FT Tools to edit the entities. I've tried to change a first aid kit (extracted from entities_0.bos file) to have same usage as a tool kit but to no avail. I've also tried a trainer made by CyberMan in hope I could use it's teleporting ability. After launching both trainer and the game, the indicator changes it's color to white/blank and with every second more having them to run together, whole the OS slows down more and more, after a minute or so it's impossible to do anything but to use the restart button.
Any help please?? I'd like to know if there is any other option to "teleport" the APC or a trick to add an item into the inventory. I save always on the only one save, so I'm grounded right now. St. Louis mission is kinda far and I have no patience to run through all the missions again...