It was a fuck up from the beginning. The cost of human lives has been atrocious, but Power Politics and good 'ol fashion Imperialism does not care one iota how much blood is spilled in the process. Politicians on both sides of the spectrum have done little to curb this descent into madness. The Corporate Media continually spews forth garbage that the masses gobble as they sit mindlessly glued to their Televisions, giddy as they listen to the next bin Laden tape (likely manufactured by Propaganda Studios). Hey and as long shit happens to "them" and not "us," everything is swell.
Let's not forget who put Saddam in power in the first place. "Whoops, we didn't see that one coming, honest!" - C.I.A.
/end rant

Let's not forget who put Saddam in power in the first place. "Whoops, we didn't see that one coming, honest!" - C.I.A.
/end rant