where to get complete caravan stock list


Vault Fossil
as in thread.. I'd like to know which caravan has what to trade, and what chances or level requiremet it has to buy something..

I'm asking mainly because I recently stumbled upon a combat armor for sale in one of the caravans and I'd like to know which one has it for sale. did some testing with worldmap.txt setting all possible caravans in one table and set the caravan spawn rate to 100% but i couldn't get combat armor agin.

So It would be good to know which scripts to look at to get all the needed info.

This used to be on the internet but the useless constantly updated google engine yealds no meaningfull results..

anybody care to point to a right direction?
Guess I was extremely lucky to get Combat armor to spawn 2x sub 10 rolls on a d100, i think I'll acually stick with Bridge encounter for the Ardents mod, found dogmeat too, actually Bridgekeepr's robes have it's laser resistence and threshold intact on the contrary to combat armor which is 4/25% in this mod, I'm assuming electronic lockpick/electronic lockpick mk2, can be obtained by the same script and the random item formula "PID Indiferrent".. right?
There is an electronic lock on the door in cartel base, but no electronic lockpick of any kind.

I checked Worldmap.txt because i wanted to make sure if encounters are the same as in vanilla fo2, and mostly, they are. i also fiddled with the file so that all caravan merchant encounters appear near the mod areas, and also selectively set their chance to pop to 100% and checked ingame what it'll give.
I know for example that NCR caravans have Scout Handbooks, V15 Caravans spawn with dynamite and lockpicks, VC caravan spawns with meds and doctor's bag, Reno spawns with hard drugs, and one of san fran caravans has a very low chance of spawning that XL703 gun.

The real challange is to circle around for that Bridge encounter while avoiding all Master's Army encounters, especially Super Mutants with rocket Launchers and Laser Rifles ( given the lack of laser resistences on basic armors in the mod [save for bridgekeeper's robes, Master Army is instant death). other encouters are passable especially when dogmeat is in party and fully leveled up.


anyways my question still remains, as You only pointed to San Fran-Redding caravan script, could you point me to others too? I'd like to know all the list of items that could spawn in all caravans, not only the "PID indiferrent" when d100 rolls a critical miss
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I was curious myself so I updated the fallout wiki with the trading inventories for all(?) of the caravan merchant encounters at https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Caravan_master

anyways my question still remains, as You only pointed to San Fran-Redding caravan script, could you point me to others too? I'd like to know all the list of items that could spawn in all caravans, not only the "PID indiferrent" when d100 rolls a critical miss
You would have had to search SCRIPTS.LST for all "Caravan Master" scripts.

Edit: Maybe you already knew this but even though SCRIPTS.LST references .int files, you would search for the .SSL version of those files in the github link Novarain referenced or the Fallout wiki I referenced.
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I was curious myself so I updated the fallout wiki with the trading inventories for all(?) of the caravan merchant encounters at https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Caravan_master

You would have had to search SCRIPTS.LST for all "Caravan Master" scripts.

Edit: Maybe you already knew this but even though SCRIPTS.LST references .int files, you would search for the .SSL version of those files in the github link Novarain referenced or the Fallout wiki I referenced.

Thanks for updating the wiki, and sorry that I haven't brought the thread up to speed so to speak.. you see.. literally few hours after NovaRain's Post I got everything sorted out.

there is a script number in one section of worldmap.txt next to each caravan master corresponding to line in scripts.lst which the random enconter uses. script.lst has the script name. and RPU's github has the details of the scripts laid out in more or less what avarage human can understand.

However You've got it wrong in the wiki.. the game references San Fran caravan merchant as "Grand Master Trader" which is transcendent to all the rest of Master Traders, and considering the level of armed security he has ( two Combat Armor males with Laser Rifles, two with Avenger Miniguns, and Female Combat armor with LSW) Plus Merchant himself wielding Nedler Pistol, puts him a level above everyone else. I managed to meet a lot of theese encouters with full stock, as I edited the script to always spawn with XL70E3-s and Combat Aromrs, and set their chance to spawn to 100% for Ardents Mod, plus a moderate chance for all the rest of the usefull caravans (Vault City - Doctor's Bag; Vault15 - Lockpicks&Dynamite; NCR - Scout Handbooks; Reno - Drugs).

Luckily Ardents Mod is a demo and still uses Fo2 special encounters, so it is still possible to get Bridgekeeper's Robes, Hypos, Dogmeat, and the rest of the neat stuff. if you reenable Vorpal rat cave encounter You can aquire probably the only Gatling Laser in this game :p

the ammo is so freaking scarse in this game I'm begining to like it even more than Last Hope mod. basically taging unarmed or melee is not a bad idea in this game. and burst weapons due to ammo limitation is only of tactical use. the enemies with burst weapons tend to burst a lot more than they do in other fo2 games. and even wearing Bridgekeeper's robes usually puts me 6 feet under with such an encounter, You actually use your first turn to burst kill enemies with burst weapons before they'll manage to attack You. and some encounters such as Cartel search party is instant death.
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