Where Would You Live?

fo1- probably junktown selling people to the guy who suplied bob

fo2- id just wander i could get wanderust quite quickly

fot- joining the new mutant army after barnakay took over the bos

and i never played the xbox game the cover looked naff
Carib FMJ said:
Fallout 2 location - If it was just me, I'd live in the Sierra Army depot, especially if I had rewired the security system as well as fixed the life support. Oh, yeah!

If not the base, than New Reno.

Damn you beat me to it. The place has everything, lab, weapon and ammo stores, food, security, and a kick ass automated defense system. If the posiseon oil rig hasn't been blown up at the end... I wouldn't mind living there. After I killed all the so called pure humans of course
Many of you would live in New Reno? Hah, all you nerds would be gang-raped, stabbed and shot dead in there.

In Fo1, I would live in The Hub, probably, though I wouldn't feel safe with all those cops around...

In Fo2, Modoc. It'd be nice and peaceful.
Sierra Army Depot...

In case some smartass comes close, and I'm out for some fun, I'll just log into the intranet of the Sierra Army Depot defenses through my Pip-Boy....

I'd probably live in The Hub - there'd always be something to do, I'd probably roll with the caravans for a while, between there and Junktown. I'd also drink and gamble my life away in the Maltese Falcon.
FO1? Well, surely not Vault 13... What a dumb place to live... I'd probably like in the Hub, though, as a trader, so I could travel all over the wasteland... :P BoS, Necropolis, Junktown, everywhere! And exciting fighting too :lol:

FO2... Well... I don't know, but I would probably choose (if I could) Broken Hills. Not cleaning shit, thats for sure :P But I somehow always liked that place. Maybe because of good ol' pal Marcus...
Fallout 1. Shady Sands, I'm boring that way. In a harsh place such as the wasteland one needs a bit of stability.
Fallout 2. Gecko. I would hang out with Harold so he could call me a bonehead, Lenny could be all shaky annndnn tell me bout the vault dweller. Playing Tragic with Wooz would be hilarious.
FO1 - LA Boneyard (I'd probably join up the Children of the Apocolypse, they seem like good people)

FO2 - It'd be fun to live with Gruthar in Vault 13 for a while (till they got shot up) then I'd probably end up living in NCR.
FO- Junktown, the wild west type atmosphere suites me

FO2- The Den, for the reason above, or the Toxic Caves, nice little bunker with a good trespasser deterrent.
F01 - The Hub. I'd clean out all the thugs, druggies and religious cultists and make it a great place to live.

F02 - Vault City. I'd have to kill Lynette (she's just asking for it) and make the power plant gig with the ghouls. With those in place, it would be as close to perfect as it gets in the post apocalyptic world.

Another fun project would be to revamp the Glow and turn it into a fortress of nuclear l33tness.
F1 Junktown.


FOT Either one of the BOS bases or Vault 0 (after the BOS took control).