Which FO critter annoys you most?


Wandering the Wastelands
Of all FO games, which enemy/critter do you find the most annoying? I don't mean which is strongest, or which you fear more, I mean which one just annoys the shit out of you?

For me, it HAS to be the albino/giant radscorpions. The giant variety annoyed the piss out of me in FO2, and they are even MORE annoying in FO3. Why? The albino variety are bullet sponges, for one. Talk about a waste of ammo! For 2, I swear it seems you can't travel for a full minute without running into 2 of the lille rat bastards. I get sick of the damned effing things! Honestly, of all FO critters, Albino/giant radscorpions annoy the living *shit* out of me the most.
Cazadores. I hate them. I can't take a walk in the desert at night without being raped by fucking cazadores. They drug my PC, and I'm sure they raped its body everytime it gets killed.
The cazadores pissed me off in NV but I would have to say the radroaches are most annoying because they are so easy to kill they are almost pointlss
Mantis. Weak and silly looking, especially in F2.
Rats. So weak that once you get pretty much any gun and a SG skill of over 50 you can one-shot 'em. And yet the devs had to put them everywhere, just to suck up time with ridiculously one-sided "combat".
.Pixote. said:
Mantis. Weak and silly looking, especially in F2.

Think i'll have to agree on this. In NV they are even worse due to them managing to dodge bullets to often >:|
Or sentry bots due to them being bullet sponges.
Makta said:
.Pixote. said:
Mantis. Weak and silly looking, especially in F2.

Think i'll have to agree on this. In NV they are even worse due to them managing to dodge bullets to often >:|
Or sentry bots due to them being bullet sponges.

I second the mantis thing, but they ARE good for something: early xp. For such weak enemies, early in FO2 you can net a decent amount of xp from killing the annoying bastards.

I never found the Sentry Bots overly anoying; I think probably because if you carry a few pulse grenades around, they become amazingly easy to kill. Even if your skill is total shit, a pulse grenade will pretty much spell the end for a sentry bot.
Mantises, or the radroaches.

Not that they were terribly hard to kill, but they'd continually attack me and I'd try to ignore them, but the motherfuckers would just keep coming.

Cazadores were also a pain in the neck.