Which FO group would you join?

I'm not really sure who I would join, I think I would rather try to settle a small village of sorts, preferably on an area with natural defenses, like a mountain, with maybe some pretty gloomy forests which no one really knows where it leads.

The only problem would be making that village sustain itself without contact of the outside world, and if there was contact, with decent defenses of the main entrances and some watchers on known weak spots of rear entrances.

Not really sure what I would call it though.
Richwizard said:
@ AWildmann

Your village sounds a little like Arroyo.
Yup, not that the idea came from Arroyo, but once I saw it, it kinda complemented my previous inspiration of what my village would be like.

I would change some things though, like normal looking buildings (not huts, as for example), and maybe a town on a mountainside, rather than with a cliff.

That maybe because I'm not usually fond of "joining", and in the case of a post-apocalyptic, I see it even more that the philosophy of "If you want it done, do it yourself" rings as a choice for me. You need other people for survival, not only physical survival, but also mental survival. Thus being a drifter wouldn't be something I would do on that case.

Who knows, maybe something everything is gonna blow up and I might try something like that :P