Which juror would you be?

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
You know what I mean.

From 12 Angry Men, which jury-member best respresents you?

Can't decide myself, I'm stuck between juror #11 (the polite, quiet, but intelligent foreignor with the extreme love of the American democratic system) or juror #12 (the rather absent-minded businessman who keeps swaying between opinions).

If you don't remember, here's a basic description:

If you haven't seen the film, don't read these, watch the film:

#1 foreman, man not really suited for the leadership he takes on, but intelligent and organised enough
#2 Intelligent, but extremely shy looks-like-a-clerk
#3 Emotional, easily angered man, biased because of bad experience with kid
#4 Emotionless, analytical, extremely intelligent man, but with some lack of wordly perspective
#5 Fairly intelligent honest and worldy man, originally from the slums, kinda quiet
#6 Simple, honest working man
#7 Salesman that doesn't care if the boy is guilty or not, he just wants to go to the ball-game
#8 Do-gooder, but an honest and intelligent man. Remember, he might be wrong
#9 Old, wise man, talks too slow and says too much when he talks
#10 Bigot
#11 polite, quiet, but intelligent foreignor with an extreme love of the American democratic system
#12 rather absent-minded businessman who keeps swaying between opinions

Welsh, you're #9

PS: this topic will seem crazy to a lot of you, but it makes sense to me, heh.
The first thing I thought of when I saw the topic name was "12 angry men", loved that movie.... :D

I'd think I'd be one of these:

All of them mainly because of the factual/intelligent thingie. YOu decide who I am ;)

PS: I only saw the remake, should I see the oiriginal?
Kharn said:
PS: this topic will seem crazy to a lot of you, but it makes sense to me, heh.

Actually, after we watched that movie in Law class, I asked my friend the same question... "Where would you fit into this?". She just looked at me like I was the biggest geek ever for liking a movie we had to watch in school. :P

Anyways... in real life? Probably #2, by what I read. I've seen the movie, but I only remember the Bigot, the salesman, the biased guy, the elderly fellow, and the foriegner.
In real life I'd probably be #2. I'm very quiet until I know people.

If this were a message board trial... I don't know. I see some of myself in a lot of them.