Wow, really, through the game people who can piss you off aren't on shortage
Drill Sargeant - When I left my post again and he saw it, that was the sorriest day of his short life
Lynette - There is always a time of the game that I reserve to make make an appointment over at Vault City just to club her pompous hide to death.
John Bishop - But not his daughter. It's fun to bully her. And not his wife too, fer chrissakes.
Flick, at the Den - This dumb figlio di puttana is always on the edge, he just deserved it. Also, his nice stash can be wholly bought with a bullet in his head, so why not do it?
The mutant haters of Broken hills - Bastards..
Joe, the punk of the Den - Jet for 500 bucks???? Deserves a bullet
The Bridgekeeper - For being so stubborn.
Jules - You can smell his lies (and his stinky cologne) from a mile away.
T-Ray - The biggest son of a bitch to ever set foot in Reno (unlike Coffin Willy, who's a neat enough guy for a ghoul)
Dunton Brothers - Just plain evil people who get everything they done back to themselves.
Renesco - Foul-mouthed, prejudiced, guiltless, ungrateful, liar...
Mason - He thinks that he's the #1 Salvatore, that idiot.
Pretty Boy Lloyd - He always tries to pull a last trick on you, but dropping the mine on him is priceless ("HEY LLOYD, CATCH!!")
President - Particularly after the line "What do you want?/I want you dead."
Horrigan - In a bloody hellish battle, as it should be.
Anna the ghost in the Den - For spooking me out, damned stealth boy!
Any random junkie of the Den/New Reno
And the list would go on and on...I may be a berserker sometimes, but I think all of those are justifiable. These people had it coming!