Which version is best? EGA DOS vs C64 vs Apple ][ ?

I am also curious about this. I know the graphics look different on some of them.
Also the C64 version, although may be the best sound-wise require 4 double-sided, so 8 floppies.

I'll probably go with the ega dos version, since it has the best looks and dosbox is awesome.

but anyone's input will be greatly appreciated!
I'd go with the dos version, Dosbox runs it great, looks the best and I prefer the controls over the C64 version. I don't think the C64 version has mouse support.

I never tried the Apple II version.
Hm, mouse control sucks anyway in Wasteland, I'm playing it using keyboard shortcuts only. There are too many options for a mouse clicks! :)
valcik said:
Hm, mouse control sucks anyway in Wasteland, I'm playing it using keyboard shortcuts only. There are too many options for a mouse clicks! :)

The mouse function seems pretty decent for inventory and party management, I wouldn't use it for movement though. Good to have for navigating the menus until you get the hang of using hot keys.
I like the looks of the C64 version, but the macros in the PC version are kind of hard to pass up. The mouse should not be used for anything.
The look of the C64 version is total nostalgia, as I originally played in on the C64. The PC version just runs better, however.
the PC ver. has one or two extra useless (or 'i-don't-know-how-it-works') skills, 'combat shooting' or what, i forgot. But it doesn't matter.

and u don't need dosbox to run it under windowsXP. do back up ur save files (there are two files), autosave ruins ur game sometimes.
DOS. I've played it back in the day, and it looks somewhat better compared to other systems' graphics.