Which 'weak skills" do you usually tag in F fallout game?


First time out of the vault
Taking all the mainline games between 1-NV which subpar skills you usually have fun tagging and/or like despite how worse they perform compared to superior skills?
Literally the best skill
Really is. :d

Anyway, for earlier Fallout it might be the Steal skill because it actually gives access to a new ability you otherwise wouldn't really use. And in FOnline Steal is (or maybe was if they decided to nerf it) king skill as you could grief like crazy with it.
Really is. :d

Anyway, for earlier Fallout it might be the Steal skill because it actually gives access to a new ability you otherwise wouldn't really use. And in FOnline Steal is (or maybe was if they decided to nerf it) king skill as you could grief like crazy with it.

I really would like steal was better balanced in 1 and 2 as i love thief chars
As it is, its really convoluted to get any notable advantage over chars with low steal investment
I really would like steal was better balanced in 1 and 2 as i love thief chars
As it is, its really convoluted to get any notable advantage over chars with low steal investment
Agreed. Steal seems to work like combat skills, in that there’s always a chance to fail no matter how high your skill is. It should work like the other skills, for example: a mark has a -20 Steal chance modifier, making it so a thief with 20% Steal has 0 chance to successfully steal, whereas a thief with 120% Steal has a 100% chance to succeed.
In certain games, like Underrail, it determines how much you can steal not whether or not you can steal. So the more pickpocketing you got the more items or expensive items you can get.
Sneak is kind of low-key OP in the OG Fallouts, you can practically become invisible to most enemies just by ducking around and sneaking. Also allows you to stealthily kill people by using sneak and employing a rule the game has - if you kill a character in one turn, without being detected by another character, you can end combat on the same turn, allowing to essentially deliver "assassin kills" and get away with them.

Doctor is also low-key useful in FO2. It has four uses:
- Some healing and fixing crippled limbs
- Getting a little bit of XP
- Combat Implants
- Living Anatomy perk.
Sneak is kind of low-key OP in the OG Fallouts, you can practically become invisible to most enemies just by ducking around and sneaking. Also allows you to stealthily kill people by using sneak and employing a rule the game has - if you kill a character in one turn, without being detected by another character, you can end combat on the same turn, allowing to essentially deliver "assassin kills" and get away with them.

Doctor is also low-key useful in FO2. It has four uses:
- Some healing and fixing crippled limbs
- Getting a little bit of XP
- Combat Implants
- Living Anatomy perk.

I wouldnt consider any of those bad or subpar

Doctor is quite good due to quests using it, impants and the early XP

Sneak is straight up the most balanced skill in fallout 1 and 2
Agreed. Steal seems to work like combat skills, in that there’s always a chance to fail no matter how high your skill is. It should work like the other skills, for example: a mark has a -20 Steal chance modifier, making it so a thief with 20% Steal has 0 chance to successfully steal, whereas a thief with 120% Steal has a 100% chance to succeed.

The problem with the steal formula isnt even that, its the fact that steal doesnt actually enhance your pure chance of stealing anything. The formula checks your skill against your enemy's and if you suceed it boot you at a critical roll, so its your crit chance which actually matters for stealing shit

Steal has some uses still, but as a skill it is not something that useful
I wouldnt consider any of those bad or subpar

Doctor is quite good due to quests using it, impants and the early XP

Sneak is straight up the most balanced skill in fallout 1 and 2

I would, for normal healing, Doctor is super-seeded by Stimpaks or Resting most of the time. First Aid and Doctor are SO weak compared to their FOT counterparts, its not even funny. Really wish some mod made those two work like in Fallout Tactics.

Sneak is alright, but really lacks quest use.

The problem with the steal formula isnt even that, its the fact that steal doesnt actually enhance your pure chance of stealing anything. The formula checks your skill against your enemy's and if you suceed it boot you at a critical roll, so its your crit chance which actually matters for stealing shit

Steal has some uses still, but as a skill it is not something that useful

Yeah I remember seeing some thread about it, the Steal calculation FO1/2 uses is total garbage and should be thrown out and replaced by something better.

I would prefer taking out the random chance altogether, making it so that your steal skill merely determines which items you CAN steal right now and how many - say, a thief at 50% would be able to swipe a keycard, but stealing the Bozars from the NCR Bazaar Guards would require like 150%-200% because its an huge gun and only a master thief should be able to pull something like this.

This could also scale per items stolen from the character, so stealing a stimpak, a gun, 200 rounds worth of magazines and should be harder than pick-pocketing just the stimpak.

Alternatively, at the very least make the system use your Karma/Town Reputation/Reaction/Charisma somehow as a save Vs failure - obviously the Hero of [CITYNAME] can't be trying to pick my pockets, he's a well know champion against Evil and Villany! I must be imagining things.
I would, for normal healing, Doctor is super-seeded by Stimpaks or Resting most of the time. First Aid and Doctor are SO weak compared to their FOT counterparts, its not even funny. Really wish some mod made those two work like in Fallout Tactics.

Sneak is alright, but really lacks quest use.

Yeah I remember seeing some thread about it, the Steal calculation FO1/2 uses is total garbage and should be thrown out and replaced by something better.

I would prefer taking out the random chance altogether, making it so that your steal skill merely determines which items you CAN steal right now and how many - say, a thief at 50% would be able to swipe a keycard, but stealing the Bozars from the NCR Bazaar Guards would require like 150%-200% because its an huge gun and only a master thief should be able to pull something like this.

This could also scale per items stolen from the character, so stealing a stimpak, a gun, 200 rounds worth of magazines and should be harder than pick-pocketing just the stimpak.

Alternatively, at the very least make the system use your Karma/Town Reputation/Reaction/Charisma somehow as a save Vs failure - obviously the Hero of [CITYNAME] can't be trying to pick my pockets, he's a well know champion against Evil and Villany! I must be imagining things.

Idk, wouldnt change much about sneaking for example, we had annentire infiltration route for last quests in fo1 and it still has some quests focused on that such as Decker's/loxley's quests at the hub

Can see why you dislike doctor since at late stages its not useful anymore, but i still think its quite good due to the early xp, ability to fix limbs and quest usage
Never felt like too much of a crap tag

And yep, steal should be done atleast like arcanum
Doctor would be infinitely more useful if crippled limbs were something you had to deal with more than once a play through, if that. It’s one instance where I think Bethesda’s limb health bar system was an improvement over the original games.
Criticals in Fallout can be quite ridiculously overpowered so it might've been a good idea in retrospect to make criticals inflict some kinda debuff instead (on top of a little bit of damage increase) that you need a doctor's kit, a doctor companion or the doctor skill alone to fix. Some of these buffs would be crippled limbs. The games also needed faaaaaaar more traps in them to make use of the Traps skill.
Criticals in Fallout can be quite ridiculously overpowered so it might've been a good idea in retrospect to make criticals inflict some kinda debuff instead (on top of a little bit of damage increase) that you need a doctor's kit, a doctor companion or the doctor skill alone to fix. Some of these buffs would be crippled limbs. The games also needed faaaaaaar more traps in them to make use of the Traps skill.

Can agree even tho i find the skill fine as it is

As for traps, yep, it has like, 1 or 2 traps in the entire game and they are never lethal enough to justify the investment which is a Shame because i like the idea of using dynamites to blow up doors rather than lockpicking stuff
Doctor would be infinitely more useful if crippled limbs were something you had to deal with more than once a play through, if that. It’s one instance where I think Bethesda’s limb health bar system was an improvement over the original games.

It was an improvement for sure, but i think this is more of a thing about the a.i not aiming for body parts enough
Can agree even tho i find the skill fine as it is

As for traps, yep, it has like, 1 or 2 traps in the entire game and they are never lethal enough to justify the investment which is a Shame because i like the idea of using dynamites to blow up doors rather than lockpicking stuff
Oh and I completely forgot, obviously the player should have been able to set traps too. Mines already exist in the game and bear traps are also simple enough, NPC steps over hex, trap activate. I love playing a traps character in Underrail, it's super fun.