Who is Keyser Soze?

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I just finished watching the Usual Suspects a couple minutes ago. Although I never pay that much attention to detail in movies, I've heard some people talk about clues to Keyser Soze's identity. Aside from the Soze/Verbal connection, what other clues are there in the movie?
I've got it on video tape and have watched it many times. It is a great movie! But I don't see that may clues. The movie gets somewhat confusing when it seems to shift viewpoints between the different characters. I would assume any clues should be given right away in the opening sequence. I'll have to watch it again with that in mind.

Kevin Spacey's character is Soze. In a round-about way.
I'm with Funky Draftsman. Is that what you're talking about? Kevin Spacey IS Kaiser Sozay (sp?). The mug shot at the end, from the guy who was supposed to be killed on the boat. The fact that he walks out as a cripal, straightens up, walks normally, then jumps into a car driven by the guy who was "the contact" for Kiezer Zosay (sp?).

I thought it was pretty obvious.....

Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)
I'm not asking who Keyser Soze was. I'm asking what clues there are supposed to be in the movie. I've heard them mentioned, but the only one I've ever heard specifically mentioned was that Soze meant Verbal. I'm asking if anyone here knows any other.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-02 AT 02:04PM (GMT)[p]
I watched part of it before I fell asleep last night. I rewound the opening sequence several times to see if there were any clues that Spacey was Keyser, but there were none. Strangely he had managed to find an overcoat and a hat and gloves when he came to kill Keaton. There doesn't seem to be any overt clues to his true identity.

Verbal is a strange character, and it always appears that he is a perpetual liar. The whole story that he tells to Kujan even about Keyser and Kubiyashi turns out to be false. How much of it is really true? The real story of what happened can never be known.
That's one of the great things about the movie. If there are any clues, they are very subtle. Even after you have seen it once, it is well worth watching again. One of my favorite movies, that it seems very few have seen.

The whole ending is the fact that Verbal was lying about every little detail. Even the name of the contact. Then, Verbal isn't even really Verbal. As JJ said, you don't know what is really true. You only know the facts, which was that all these men died on a boat.

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow." - Robert Goddard
Well, we also know there was a lineup, and we can assume that the hits on New York's Finest Taxicab service and Saul really did happen. Edy -- or however it's spelled -- probably also had the role Verbal said she did. In the end, the only questionable aspects to Verbal's story are the interactions within the group itself and Koboyashi's involvement. Since he would have no reason to lie about anything that happened within the group, we could reasonably assume that much of that was also true, or based strongly in truth. Since we know that Koboyashi's character did truely exist, it's also reasonable to assume that his involvement was close to what Verbal described. All things considered, I don't really think his story is that far from the truth.
something that clued me out before the movie ended was:

How he told stories about how Kaiser was so evil and how no one could escape from him. Then told the officer how he would rather face Kaiser on the street then to be protected from the law.

that seemed a bit suspicious to me. But only when the Officer looked at his wall and realized everything Verbal told to him was a lie (the barbers quartet and so forth) is when it first popped into my mind that Verbal was Kaiser.
Oh.... Right.... For a moment there I thought you were a complete dumb-ass who didn't understand the movie. :)

No. No clues either. That's what makes it so good I think. You get throught this whole movie.... And then it dawns on you. That's why the movie won an oscar, I think.

Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-02 AT 10:29AM (GMT)[p]If there was any clue to who Keyser Sose was I think it's the scene where Verbal in cold blood kills the jeweler they're robbing. It doesn't fit the character of a limping con man at all.
Which hand did he hold the gun with in that scene? One of his hands was supposed to be bad.
That's an interesting thought, but he was holding it in his "good" hand.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-02 AT 09:39AM (GMT)[p]Taken from the trivia section of imdb.com I thought this was interesting: "At the height of the interrogation Dave Kujan badgers Verbal about the whereabouts of Keaton. Midway through the overlapping dialogue Verbal says "I killed Keaton" but is not heard by Kujan because he is screaming at Verbal so loudly."

I can't confirm this yet, so i'll just HAVE to watch it again. :)

"The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations."
The best movies will give you clues that you may miss conciously but that all of a sudden make sense at the end. This was certainly one such movie because the ending all of a sudden was surprising and also completely believable in that you thought that if you were a little bit more clever you might have figured it out yourself. Such movies are far and few between. I thought that Twelve Monkeys was one such movie. I thought I understood it the first time and that it wass a bit weird, but then I saw it a second time and it was like watching a whole new movie.

Either way I really have nothing new to add to the discussion, just wanted to comment on being yet another admirer of this movie. ;}

It is berry skarry faiting tha snake.
Actually, I became suspicious as far back as when Verbal explained who Keyser Soze was. I wavered a bit through the course of the movie, but I wasn't all that surprised.