Who plays the Fallout PnP game?


First time out of the vault
Just like the subject says. Of the roleplayers on this forum, how many have actually played the tabletop game? If so, do you continue to do so, or were you disatisfied with it?

From reading the RP threads I can tell that people enjoy writing and RP in the game setting. For those that are in the RP threads, what do you consider the "source" or ruleset (for lack of a better word) for your forum games; the documentation from the games itself or the PnP handbook?

I think that the Fallout computer games translate very well into a traditional tabletop game. I don't know which I would like more. A comercialized version of the rules, tested and polished, or Fallout 3.
Yes, I play PNp Fallout. Actually have a real life game at my home that has been going on for a year or so now....

Its fun.

And Jason mical's Core Rules is a real work and labor of love.
I guess you can adapt the rules, but we mustn't forget the Post Apocalyptic touch, and not get too.... I guess each GM can balance it in his own way.
Sorry-I cant help you...I have them from a CD.
Oh-I also want to ask are there any sites about the pnp game?

P.S.-If you are wondering why this dude cant write-well im from a far away place known as Bulgaria :)