Don't get out of control, youz mugz....
*positions hand on lever*
*positions hand on lever*

Bradylama said:Kotario said:Flop said:Anyway, both Buffy and Angel suck ass, and I think people who watch them should be cast out by society.
My mother would kill you before you could set a hand on her.
My mom could kill your mom.
Jebus said:What would be the point?
She already spawned her evil progeny into the world, so it's too late already anyway. said:pro·gres·sive Audio pronunciation of "progressive" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-grsv)
1. Moving forward, advancing
2. Annoying
3. Boring
4. Plain
5. Fugly
Jebus said:SQUAWK
Alyson Hannigan is fairly hot.Marek said:Sarah Michelle Gellar and Charisma Carpenter are hot. The show in itself blows though. That just about wraps it up.