Who'd win? Terminator or Robocop?

Who would win - Terminator vs Robocop

  • Robocop would own Terminator!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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First time out of the vault
So today my friend and I came across the question: In a fight, who would win; the Terminator or Robocop? Bear in mind I mean T-800 model Terminator, and standard Robocop, not the big mechs or anything. Also, the fact that there is an army of T-800's is irrelevant. I mean one-on-one, who'd win?

My choice: Terminator

(edit - poll added by welsh)
Terminator: He's got experience with a wider range of weaponry. He's also quicker and more agile (not by much) than Robocop.

Robocop might win a dance contest though...

The T-800's blended in with normal society loosely enough to remain undetected, and is specifically designed for combat. Robocop was a giant washing machine with a 80's Detroit cop inside with a machine-pistol.
Terminator for sure.
He doesn't have this thing called "human emotion".
He's like a cybernetic Alec.

EDIT:Drunkin typing=missed words and confusing emotions about vagina.
Terminator hands down, he does not have useless flashbacks, he can walk as if a stick was not inserterted into his ass, he's pure machine, he always seems to come back from the future to kick even more ass, and I mean come on! Its the freakin Terminator were talkin about here.
Robocop got the shit kicked out of him in all three movies by petty thugs and small arms fire. Terminator > Robocop.

Not that I don't love Robocop.

We'll see what movie does better next year.
Terminator - he will give Robocop the evuhl red eye if the shit hits the fan - the evuhl red eye will initiate a flashback for good old Robo, and he is done for ...
I_eat_supermutants said:
Terminator for sure.
He doesn't have this thing called "human emotion".
He's like a cybernetic Alec.
I do have emoshions... :cry:

That said: Terminator would win. RoboCop is just... stupid.
In the extent Robocop is part human and feel he has to abide by the laws, Terminator would annihilate him. But the answer to the question "who would finally win"... it's Predator 'cause he's a sneaky bastard =>

In the Robocop vs Terminator comic mini-series, Robocop won.

But the Robocop franchise was raped first (and harder) so the Terminator franchise got the upper hand there.

The score is currently 1-1. Time for a rematch.
I dunno, people keep writing off Robocop, despite the fact that he's taken on military grade hardware time and again, they're both badass, but can Robocop outwit the Terminator?

Besides, Robocop is a tenacious bastard, whereas the Terminator is more a senseless destroyer (meaning he has no sense but sight and maybe smell.)

So I'd have to bet Robocop, he'd just go up and shove his machine pistol right into the Terminator's mouth and unload, if not he'd figure something out!
dude. terminator would win in less than 10 minutes. it's just...i mean...we're talking exo vs. endo here. it's not really that tough of a call.

of course Robocop gets our sympathy vote.
don't forget plasma rifles in the 1337 GigaWatt range ;)

melty RoboCop is melty.
Robocop has very slow movement. But really it all depends on the enviroment. Personally I think it really depended, the T800 would probably take out Robocop just for the ruthless factor, really, depending on which version we are talking here. T2's 101 only shot people in the knees due to the whims of John Connor.

But Robocop's mobility is absolutely horrid. In that Miniseries, they wouldn't kill off robocop due to the fact that he's nigh irreplacable, yet the terminator dies in every movie.

Based on Pure Fan bias, I would say this round goes to the terminator. He would simply grab the fleshy part of robocop, and rip out his jaw. If thugs could beat down robocop, then terminator could simply dissemble him. He's nothing without his machine pistol.