Ст&am said:
Also - Iran is said to hide a secret weapon.
Oh NOES! A Sekret weapon! You make it sound like they have a doomsday device. The more likely scenario is that they will use biological and chemical weapons. Iran "has manufactured and stockpiled chemical weapons, including blister, blood, and choking agents." Central Intelligence Agency, "Report of Proliferation-Related Acquisition in 2001," (Washington, DC: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, 2001)
They probably don't have nuclear weapons yet, but if no action is taken by the UN, then they will soon enough.
In 1979 Iran's population was about 30 - 40 millions, I don't know exactly, but now - they are 60 millions.
Iran is one of the most anti-american nations in the world.I have spoken to a Russian, who had been to Iran during the USSR times and he said that people had to wipe their shoes into an American flag at the border line, and then - enter Iran.
Yes...during the Cold War, when the USSR and the US were at complete odds with each other, etc. You think Americans or any other western state were cuddling around a nice big red blanket then? No. However, in the years since then, pro-western ideologies have been rallying in Iran. "The current population of Iran is estimated at 72 million people. 15 million households with substantial buying power have satellite television. There is an estimated (3) persons per household for a total satellite viewership of 45 million in Iran." What do you think those people watch? Western TV shows, movies, music. In Iran, it's illegal to be caught transporting a satellite dish. However, it is not illegal to have one in your home. Those with satellite dishes immerse themselves in western culture and ideologies every time they turn on their TVs. They love it...otherwise they wouldn't have a satellite. The people of Iran are much more educated than those of Iraq. It will be much easier to convince them to accept modern culture, as most of them already have!
Jarno Mikkola said:
The bringing of THE DEMOCRACY is what all the USA haters, hate most. You don't bring a democracy, you bring the democracy, the one that you can bye everything and get out with money from what ever you have done.
I think you're completely confusing Democracy with capitalism. And no one is bring democracy anywhere. What's being brought are liberal democratic traditions. Like free and fair elections, freedoms like speech, press, and stuff. Logically explain to me why people wouldn't want those. You can't.
And maybe the US doesn't think, that every country has it's own kind of democracy in it's hearth.They are, 'cause if they wouldn't be, how could they function, and if the establishment doesn't work, the revolution is what is needed, but the foreign army doesn't help the situation, especially if it's the USA's, " 'cause it's there to resecure it's OIL supplies ".
Please try again. Does not compute.
Apparently you need glasses.