Who's the Master?

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Most people think Richard Grey, hell I even wrote a Fic (Part 4 still in progress)about him. While doing this investigation into the Master I realized something... disturbing.

What if the Master wasn't really the Master?

Yes you read that correctly. The Master would have to make the Mutants right? Well the whole reason Harold and Grey lead the expodition into the Military Outpost was because "it was like shopping in Mutantville" as Harold so elegantly put it. Mutants were raiding caravans BEFORE Richard Grey was even transformed!!!

So if there were that many mutants BEFORE the Master, who was making them?

I think there is something BIS isn't telling us...yet.

True Raven
People could have accidently fallen into the vats, they could have been ghouls (some people think ghouls ARE a kind of mutants) or they could just be remnants from the war. (Remember what the Glow holodisks says about the FEV).
BTW, how come that all ghouls are so friendly in FO2 (except the bastards in Gecko who always tries to kill me for no reason) and all the ghouls (even in random encounters) tried to kill you (more or less) in FO?

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"The frogurt is also cursed."

"Call me a vagabond, and I'll smile. Call me a thief, and I'll laugh. Call me a liar, and I feed you your liver."
A point which i have been thinking on myself. Besides the things you mentioned, ghouls in F1 are carrion eaters, hence the name. But wait i got more proof. That wandering guy you can meet in the dessert says it is the town of the dead. Another thing is what Set says to you "Does next on the menu ring a bell". Well, anyway, i think the designers either overlooked this or some people where thinking that the whole ghoul idea was a little to AD&d or that somebody thought they where so pathetic and took a liking to them.


Nunc ut nunquam
It's a mistake by Blackisle, i noticed it briefly once but then completly forgot afterwards. I figured they must have been some sort of accidently dipped people. But remember in that quiz that that was held on the interplay site one question was 'Who was the master' and the answer 'richard grey' so Interplay at least believes he is the master

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It's only cheating if you get caught
- Fang_Of_the_BOS@hotmail.com
>>But remember in that quiz that that was held on the interplay site one question was 'Who was the master' and the answer 'richard grey' so Interplay at least believes he is the master<<

I'm not implying that Grey wasn't the Master. I'm implying that there was another Master. If there was just a few odd people who fell into vats then why would Grey and Harold want to figure out where they were all coming from? Harold said that the place was crawling with mutants. That makes me wonder. It's like a whole Vault was tossed into the vats...

True Raven
I don't think Harold ever uses the words big, green, or ugly. Greys log in the military base even said he consumed a mutated rodent, so I doubt that mutant people were the mutants they went to look for.
Maybe the U.S. Government made the Vats...nah, they already had the Glow/Ancient Order/Hotspot.
>>I don't think Harold ever uses the words big, green, or ugly. Greys log in the military base even said he consumed a mutated rodent, so I doubt that mutant people were the mutants they went to look for.<<

Grey was a brilliant Scientist, phillosopher, and phillanthrpist... do you honestly believe someone that intelligent would storm a Military Base at the risk of losing his life and those of his friends over a bunch of mutant rats?

Just sounds fishy to me... and like a bait and hook for a storyline in Fallout 3.

True Raven
I'm not saying they went there for mutant rats, it's just everyone was saying that someone else was dipping humans. So I gave another path to follow.
>>I'm not saying they went there for mutant rats, it's just everyone was saying that someone else was dipping humans. So I gave another path to follow.<<

That's what I'm doing too. Everyone thinks the Master is THE MASTER. I'm speculating that there are more than one.

True Raven

PS I wasn't picking on you man, just poking holes through your logic.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-01 AT 05:45AM (GMT)[p]I think there was one and only one Master. I think other creatures fell into the vats and became the mutants harold spoke of, maybe one or two humans fell in occasionally. Maybe someone else was trying to play god like Grey, but never got as far as he(Grey) did and didn't really become a "Master".
You're right. man, that's good thinking.
But harold never said anything about meeting mutants up there.
(inside the base) Or did he? Maybe there are som holodisks about this somewhere...
Take a look back at Fallout: the original. When you talk to Harold about his story you will eventually get a prompt to ask why he knew the base was where the mutants came from. He responds by saying that it was like going shopping at mutantville.

I'll get the exact words from the master.DAT when I find a good enough editor...

True Raven
You were right, Raven...

You're onto something, it would seem :)

One thing though: I know we always generally back each other up on these things, but there is one fact outstanding in my mind: as has been stated further up the board, Harold and Gray never said that they were Humanoid mutants. On top of that, as has also been previously adduced, there were no human mutants (evident) at the base. I think that it's more likely that the mutants were desert animals (and perhaps a few humans) who had been mutated through indirect exposure to the FEV, much like the miners in the FO2 Military base.

Still, you provide enough evidence to back an argument, even if there ARE a few cracks... if my home PC wasn't busted, I'd be going at this one right alongside you :)
RE: You were right, Raven...

Thank you Yamu.
Thats exactaly what I was trying to say, except I don't have a way with words like you do.

BTW welcome back
RE: You were right, Raven...

Thank you my demigod friend...

::checks his pockets::

DAMN! Still not enough for that liquid nitrogen cooled PC I've been saving up for so that you may make a triumphant return. Just another $57,648.13 left to go... anyone wish to make a donation?

As for the cracks... well I guess no theory (espically one in the Fallout world) is complete from cracks. The desert animal theory is a good one but still has a very large major flaw... how the bloody hell did desert animals manage to get into the base? A solid steel structure that obviously wasn't targeted by the bombs imposes a large task for intelligent humans to break into. I highly doubt that even the greatest of mutations would give rats and radscorpions the strength or intelligence to enter the facility. This tells me that someone or something let them in, if in fact they were desert animals in the first place. Although I still believe that there were more human mutants than animal mutants attacking caravans, they say that rats are always the first to be experimented on...

True Raven

Fallout Theory and FanFic Guild
Coming Soon to a Vault near you!
RE: You were right, Raven...

Maybe the BOS left the door open when they left??
RE: The door was left open by the BOS

I'm not sure, but didn't BOS send a expedition to the military base? I think it's on a holodisk or computer somewhere.
About a team where everybody goes crazy and shoots the scientists. Maybe they let the door open? or maybe they became mutants.

or, maybe, it was all about a pre-war group...
Damn it!