As people, I can't judge them since I don't know them. So I'll judge them based on their work.
Todd - He was in charge of Morrowind so he once knew how to put in effort in his work (though Morrowind was supposed to be Bethesda Game Studios' final game, a swansong where they could go all out on). Nowadays though, he acts more like a successful Peter Molyneux since all he does is generate hype which he is very good at, I'll admit. So I blame him for some of the hype-crazed fanboys that plague the Fallout audience and the inability to criticize the franchise. As a director, he seems to basic knowledge though his need to add in stuff and features that seems cool to him regardless of lore consistency is a bad trait that should be removed(IIRC he wanted to add in crafting and settlement building because he liked Minecraft). Overall, I'll say that he is an effective hype generator and that he should quit directing to become in charge of promoting products for other better companies (like what New Vegas could have used). He's creating the problem but may be able to fix his errors if he stops being bombarded with feedback from sycophants and apologists.
Emil - He has worked on other games before (the older Thief games apparently and from what I've read, his work on those games were relatively substantial) and seems like an alright person (even making an account on NMA once from what I've read here). However in Bethesda, he seems to suffer from what Lucas appeared to suffer when he made the prequel trilogy's more questionable writing; a lack of editors and proper peers that were willing to disagree or critique his writing. His writing in Fallout 4 is shit (and I'd argue his writing for the main quest stories of games he's worked on has been sub-par) though the smaller minor stories of 3 seem to suggest that if one leaves him to write in background stuff, he could make something acceptable. Overall, I'd critique his writing (with a lot of heavy criticism) but I would not hold it against him as a person. He does need to be replaced as head writer though (or have a team that slaps his hand away from the writing desk every time he wants to write in something stupid or rehash storylines) but is not the worst.
Pete - Now I cannot find or even recall any real positive things about him. All he ever did was be in charge of marketing and PR even on Morrowind. In fact all UESP could say about him on Morrowind is this:
Pete is the overall marketing and PR person for Bethesda so is obviously involved with Morrowind. Morrowind is his first Elder Scrolls title he has been involved with although he was with the Adrenaline Vault website for three years prior to coming to Bethesda.
As a person in charge of PR, he seems to be rather dismissive of the critical members of Bethesda's audience as we can tell from his infamous tweet (that he attempted to pass off as a joke months later) and as a person who does promotion, he is very bad at it due to how unexcited, cold and distant he seems to be. Compare Bethesda's presentation for E3 in 2015 that introduced Fallout 4 and this year's Bethesda's presentation in E3. The former was more energetic and engaging (since Toddie is a hype generator) while the latter seemed distant and monotonous (since Hiney is obviously a lizard person in a human skin). His position in Bethesda does allow him influence over what should be in Fallout and it shows. The dialogue system was likely be his idea:
I like what we’ve done with the dialogue system… and having played Fallout 3 again recently I keep, in Fallout 4 when I’m playing, I keep hitting the button to leave dialogue. I keep forgetting, ‘Oh, I can just walk away’. I don’t have to wait for this guy to stop talking’. And now I’m playing other stuff, where there’s dialogue and I’m thinking, ‘Oh, I wish I could just walk away’. Because I don’t have the attention span for long dialogue! . . . Unless it’s Uncharted or anything by Naughty Dog, and then I never skip any of the dialogue – ’cause theirs is awesome.
Overall, I'd say Pete is the worst in Bethesda and should be shipped off to EA to remove his influence over their games. The two deserve each other.
EDIT: And lest we forget:
not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls
I rest my case.