Why are there are so many mods for Fallout 2 but no mods for Fallout?

Super Mutants with rocket launchers tend to 1 hit everyone.

I actually made a semi cheat mod for that.
The idea behind it is that Katja Ian and Tycho during their level ups gain hit points equal to what would they gain after four levels based on vanilla "2 + EN/2" formula (ofcouse based on their EN) so tycho and Ian since they have 6EN gain 4x5hp=20 hp/lvl and Katja has EN=5 so 4x4hp=16hp/lvl this way:
IAN 50=>70=>90
Tycho 60=>80=>100
Katja 39=>55=>71

Up to this point the mod should be legit

the cheat part about this mod, is that I've set their player friendly Skills ( weapon, Healing, Utility,[but no barter no steal no speech]) to 200 so that shooting me in the back is no more.
they can even take out few Super mutants by themselfs, given they all have power armor and a decent weapon. Besides there are enaugh power armors in the game so that they all wear one. (4 PA total) Just remember to choose proper option in FIXT installer before applying theese (can change armor + all weapon animations for all of them).

I haven't uploaded the mod anywhere since nobody was interested in it. if @Sduibek will show interest he may recive , modify and implement my mod in the FIXT be it improoved current or next release.
Since sduibek allowed to peacefully breake into armory with high enaugh sneak and lockpick skill
100 and 200% if i remember correctly (1 chance to do this actually so save first) (also read the changelog)

so the idea behind it is set max levels in sfall to 99 and grind deathclaws in boneyard for enaugh levels so you can put all nessecary skillpoints.

there were always 4 PA in Fo1

1 from knights in bunker lvl3 to be repaired
1 from Talus for saving the initiate quest (must have karma 16 at least to get it)
2 from brotherhood armory after breaking in (peacefully or not)

so a total of 4

(besides You could probably get some by killing Brotherhood patrols if i remember corectly but that will make brotherhood hostile)

Also @Sduibek
Since the break in to the armory sounds kind of stupid since You are watched by armed palladins standing next to You, I already proposed to Sduibek to make a quest in the brotherhood to wipe out jackals and vipers (since brotherhood did that anyway acording to lore, than why not with player involvment.) (for example if you wipe out those [ could be just like irwin's farm no spot on world map{i know i know city limits} just a guy to talk to who sends you there] and after it's done You get the ability to barter with evry crate in the armory).
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That's the fact he is so hard to save that made Dogmeat so popular. It was a challenge to see how long he would last, or even if he will be saved during this or that playthrough. Beth completly ruined it by making companions essentials.

Being able to storm the BOS in Fo1 to get the last two PA was one of my favourite moments during my last playthrough. (and doing it with fragile companions was a good plus). You aren't supposed to do it, but you can, at your own risks. It is almost as challenging as storming the unity HQs.
@gustarballs1983 For feature requests, make sure you've added them at http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Fixt_bug_reports :)

And yeah send me those files, I might use those.

Beth completly ruined it by making companions essentials.
I found companions way overpowered in Fo3. Dogmeat basically never died and neither did the robot that I bought from the wandering robot merchant guy. I ended up killing them both via the console because wtf is the point of a companion if they just kill everything for you and are invincible? It's not fun at all.
I had to use the fat man like ten time to kill Dogmeat clone in Fo3. (dunno why he duplicated)

OP in Fo3, essential in Fo4, the point remains the same. There is not much reason to care for them in fights in those two games.
To note, in Vanilla Fo3, Dogmeat was very weak, and died from a couple of shotgun blast.

It was the Broken Steel expansion which bugged the non-human follower HP's to scale ludicrously, and was never fixed.

This is why the robot, Fawkes, and Dogmeat became invincible, or close to, at least.
@gustarballs1983 For feature requests, make sure you've added them at http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Fixt_bug_reports :)

And yeah send me those files, I might use those.

It's there in at least 2 or 3 ways.. Eliminate raiders gangs for Killian, For BoS as a Quest, is it nessecary to add it as: eliminate remaining raiders for BoS armory acces??

as for the modded companion proto files wich way would You like them to have? email, va forum other, please specify.
the BoS are sometimes unpredictable ... they don't want to send their men to search for missing initiates, they don't want to send anybody to search what's going on in the military base although their orgin is from that same base. They are military folks and their families who left MB after the bombs fell and after they discovered what was going on there. (read the maxon log from MB computer and or brotherhood history Holodisk). So no i don't think they would refuse for someone to do their dirty work for them.

especially when fighting heavier armed gang (as acording to the fallout lore one of them is sepose to be armed heavily). Bos just wouldn't risk their knights and palladins lives and they also wouldn't risk loosing the equipment. High elder Maxon would decide to go and wipe them out, but the rest of the elders is a bunch of pussies. Rest of the leders would just outvote maxon. that's my 3 cents.
To note, in Vanilla Fo3, Dogmeat was very weak, and died from a couple of shotgun blast.

It was the Broken Steel expansion which bugged the non-human follower HP's to scale ludicrously, and was never fixed.

This is why the robot, Fawkes, and Dogmeat became invincible, or close to, at least.
Good to know!
To note, in Vanilla Fo3, Dogmeat was very weak, and died from a couple of shotgun blast.

It was the Broken Steel expansion which bugged the non-human follower HP's to scale ludicrously, and was never fixed.

This is why the robot, Fawkes, and Dogmeat became invincible, or close to, at least.

And Bethesda, like usual, doesn't bother to fix any of the massive bugs they create...
the BoS are sometimes unpredictable ... they don't want to send their men to search for missing initiates, they don't want to send anybody to search what's going on in the military base although their orgin is from that same base. They are military folks and their families who left MB after the bombs fell and after they discovered what was going on there. (read the maxon log from MB computer and or brotherhood history Holodisk). So no i don't think they would refuse for someone to do their dirty work for them.

especially when fighting heavier armed gang (as acording to the fallout lore one of them is sepose to be armed heavily). Bos just wouldn't risk their knights and palladins lives and they also wouldn't risk loosing the equipment. High elder Maxon would decide to go and wipe them out, but the rest of the elders is a bunch of pussies. Rest of the leders would just outvote maxon. that's my 3 cents.

Living in a vault, made the BOS in Fallout, too soft. If it weren't for the player character, the BOS would have been fucked by the super mutants.