Why Communism/Anarchism can not work


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I claim:

Anarchism/Communism can not work.

The system of communism/Anarchism is build upon the thought that, no one is in charge, everyone is equal, no rules exist, they are unnecessary in the eyes of he system, as all humans are reasonable. As a result of this there is no punishment.
In these systems one of the main points is that all resources are free to be used by everyone.
A result of this is that people could survive without working at all.
Now one might argument that these people would not exist, since the human being has reached its perfect state in these utopic systems. I say that there will always be anomalies, in this case egoistic persons.
Theses people would have no disadvantages because of their egoism, it is rather opposite.
If a disaster where food became rare, or a plague where only a limited amount of antidote would exist whereto happen in these systems, the reasonable, normal people would use food and antidote only if they really needed it, rationalising the small amount available.
Egoistic people would collect these things for them selves in own private vaults, for the case that they needed them, taking as much as they want, and thus having a better chance of surviving the catastrophe.
From this we have to conclude that these systems can not work the way they were meant to, since they would support individuals that would destroy them, giving individuals supporting it huge disadvantages.

What do you think about these political ideologies?
I suggest you first familiarize yourself with meanings of terms 'communism' and 'anarchism', or more specificially, huge and glaring difference in meanings, before making such uneducated deductions.
Turnip said:
In these systems one of the main points is that all resources are free to be used by everyone.

...which is a big fat lie and also the sole reason for the existence of economics.

Also, this is not the main point of either system.

Communism doesn't mean that goods are free, but that they're not privately owned. Anarchism (like Proudhon's anarchoindividualism) does not negate ownership as such, however, how can an anarchic government (or rather the lack of it) safeguard property rights?
they wouldn't work since you will always have those lazy asses just siting around doing nothing and they are eating the same ammount of the cake as the really hard working.
and anarchy wouldn't work since the people of the world today aren't that peaceful, we would kill just for candy or a dollar.
Anarchy only works when order is kept by business, and the implication of job loss is enough to keep order.

Then again, while you have rid the nation of one authority, government, you've only traded it for Corporate policy.

Order has become a part of our basic survival instinct. People will either strive to take power and create order, or they will seek those that seek power.

Even Barbarians need someone at the top. Otherwise they can't form a cohesive unit.

Abolishing social structure would just be an invitation for everybody to go apeshit.
None of the above would work at all because of the egotistical, selfish nature of man.

Humans can't make decisions without other interests or motives coming into play.
Okay, I clearly misunderstood Anarchism.
To many different variations.
And I clearly asked the wrong Anarchist and additional to misunderstanding him.
However most forms of Anarchism would not work, alone because there would are some time be a conflict of interest between the different communities, that appear when all conscionable are made cumulative in a small group.

And if you change the "just taking what you want" into "cheating to get everything you want" and "not working at all" into "not working as much/hard as one could" in my first post i think it still works for communism (as it was intended by Marx).

However i still believe that in crisises necessary goods will be privately owned in no time, and that they will be traded again.

Hopefully i didn't make major mistakes this time.
You are totally wrong and a moron. Communism is the only way we can break free from george bush! VIVA LA CHE GUEVARA!
Of course, Bradylama- businesses only exist because of the existance of markets, markets only exist because of the roll of states in assuring that the collective action problem of managing markets is achieved.

Thus you can't get rid of government.

Business runs government? That's cronyism. Not good for the general welfare of a tax-paying public.

Mancur Olson- Dictatorship, Democracy and and Democracy in the sept - 1993 American Political Science Journal. I have it-
welsh, don't break the autowrap, it's rude - Kharn

or email me and I will send the pdf.

50% of all political and social problems are caused by the collective action problem.
I don't see the big deal anyway if you love communism so much just move to china, jerk. that's the luxury of living on a world, you can just move.
megatron said:
I don't see the big deal anyway if you love communism so much just move to china, jerk. that's the luxury of living on a world, you can just move.

You, sir, are not only an asshole, but also a dumb asshole.

China is not a communist society, it's an authoritarian dictatorship.

Just that a system calls itself one thing doesn't mean it is. The Nazis weren't all that national socialist either.

One could argue the "Communist" systems we have (had) in the past century were the Machiavellian approach of introducing a new system by creating a temporary dictatorship, but I can't really see those dictators being interested in a communist system at all.

China isn't Communist and the USA -- or any other country for that matter -- is not a Democracy (it's a Republic, which is a "democratic" system, arguably the only real democracy that ever existed did so in the early Athens and even then it was very ... exclusive).
Yea, megatron is more like something of the comical relief guy. You know, like the sidekick with the little role who usually dies about 3/4th through the movie.
The poor guy... He`s gonna die a young virgin! :`-(

You`re a mean guy. Ashmo. A very, very mean guy.
Go away Megatron. Go troll and spam at The Order, at least there you'll be appreciated/not shunned.
Communism doesn't work because it is evil, and anarchism only works on isolated islands full of lawless outcasts from society. Haven't you guys seen *any* movies?
Jebus, you behave.

Megatron is perfectly welcome here as long as he abides the forum rules.

Now continue-
Newsflash: Communism and Anarchism are completely separate political movements. Both existed and worked, the latter even functioned during an effort-consuming civil war.

Newsflash 2: Che Guevara shirt-sporting "anarchocommiecoloalternatives" are indeed morons.