Why do Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Humans look better in Fallout 1 than Fallout 4?

-I hate Fallout 3 so Fallout 3's story doesn't count.
-Oh, that's just game's conventionalities.
-Oh, yeah, but what about [list of sillyness of FO2]?
And so on and so forth.
Oh no! You can't just take Fallout 4 and not count 3! The entirety of the BOS in that game is based off of the Fallout 3 BOS! It's like pretending Fallout didn't happen yet still loving Fallout 2! You can't have one existing without the other.

And just because a lot of people accept it doesn't make it right!

And do you mean the silliness in Fallout 2 that was contained to a single small map? Or do you mean something like the Enclave, who're a group meant to be an extreme case of isolated inbred purists hell bent on creating the perfect world? And are the final extreme point of the games entire theme of how people are not different, yet everyone will still find something different about them and kill them? Or at the very least that people are not SO different enough to the point where we gotta make war with them, which no matter what ties into the whole general theme of Fallout of "War is bad!" in the simpliest of terms.

Also, if there's a so on and so forth I say mention them and NOT just leave it up for me to think of or find out. Because to me it seems like you've run out of examples and just want to seem like there's more. But that's just my silly way of thinking.
Yeah! Because having everyone and their grandmother own power armor doesn't detract from its coolness! Because having "rare" Enclave X-01 experimental power armor be littering every trash can doesn't detract from how smart technically the Enclave were! Because having F4llouts Maxson be a retarded racist asshat doesn't detract from the legendary line of Elders know as the Maxsons! BECAUSE HAVING THE SOLE SURVIVOR MAKE A BAJILLION WATER PURIFIERS DOESN'T DETRACT FROM THE NEED TO MAKE THE RETARDED WATER PURIFIER IN FALLOUT 3!!
Power armor, fun for the entire family! Collect the whole set! :P
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...NMA - den of retards @ hating (read: criticising)on FO4 is uncool and old.

Plus the previous, that's the best arguments you will get out of F4 defenders. Beware when talking with one.
...NMA - den of retards @ hating (read: criticising)on FO4 is uncool and old.

Plus the previous, that's the best arguments you will get out of F4 defenders. Beware when talking with one.
When people have no way of proving you wrong or were triggered by you, they always resort to ad hominem attacks. That is one way these people let you know that you've won.
The chick in V111 in the intro, like I said. There also should be another one fat vault... dweller... But I never looked specifically for it.
There was also the sort of chubby cutie with the blonde hair and the heavy weapon if I recall correctly.
Well tbh faloout 4 takes alot of ideas from fallout tactics and such. Such and the brotherhood of steel blimp ect
Since we're talking about the old games vs new games I kinda like the lizard design that the deathclaws had in the older ones

When you see this thing coming at you, you know that you will have death via its claws. Hence its name lol.

This thing, well let's see there are giant horns, sharp claws, and a strong tail. Might as well call it a dragon since the only thing missing is the wings. Even 3 and New Vegas had a strong statement of the claws
In no way the older deathclaw image looks good

Ghouls and Super mutants looked neat

In game deathclaw images too, this shitty picture? Im gladly taking fo4's over it
In no way the older deathclaw image looks good

Ghouls and Super mutants looked neat

In game deathclaw images too, this shitty picture? Im gladly taking fo4's over it
I actually love that old Deathclaw image from the book because it looks a lot like an actual 50s movie monster. On the one hand it looks like kind of crappy claymation that is based very directly on real animals. On the other hand, it recalls the good old fashioned trope of slurpasaurs, where b-movies would just stick a real life lizard or something in a movie, use movie magic to scale it up, and call it a monster.

I would really love to see a modernized take on that old depiction of Deathclaws, one that takes it as the baseline and then refines it to make it look more like an actual animal.

One issue I have with 4's deathclaws (in addition to the short claws, which were shortened to allow for the pop-out effect I think) is that they're too lithe. In Fo1 and 2, they had this very hulking gorilla like movement that I really enjoyed. Fo3 and FNV missed the gorilla like, but they did capture the hulkingness. Fallout 4 deathclaws just dart around like nobody's business.
I actually love that old Deathclaw image from the book because it looks a lot like an actual 50s movie monster. On the one hand it looks like kind of crappy claymation that is based very directly on real animals. On the other hand, it recalls the good old fashioned trope of slurpasaurs, where b-movies would just stick a real life lizard or something in a movie, use movie magic to scale it up, and call it a monster.

I would really love to see a modernized take on that old depiction of Deathclaws, one that takes it as the baseline and then refines it to make it look more like an actual animal.

One issue I have with 4's deathclaws (in addition to the short claws, which were shortened to allow for the pop-out effect I think) is that they're too lithe. In Fo1 and 2, they had this very hulking gorilla like movement that I really enjoyed. Fo3 and FNV missed the gorilla like, but they did capture the hulkingness. Fallout 4 deathclaws just dart around like nobody's business.

Anatomy is so fucked up in that picture, really cant see how you prefer that, but for each their one i guess
Anatomy is so fucked up in that picture, really cant see how you prefer that, but for each their one i guess
Deathclaw is supposed to be both quick and extremely dangerous with it's sharp claws. With that in mind, Deathclaw would look exactly like in the original. FO4's deathclaw is too bulky to move fast.

While the hairy deathclaw looks more humanoid(could speak) and is a different beast entirely.
The basis for the Deathclaw was the D&D monster Tarrasque. They needed another big enemy, and had a Tarrasque Maniquette already made from another project.


Fo1-Fo2 team hired a dedicated artist, who worked for months, at high cost, to create a dozen of talking heads. They wanted twice that number of heads, but couldn't afford it.

Fo3-FoNV-Fo4, considering the camera angle, had to put faces, voice and lipsing on every single dwellings of their gameworlds, which could be hundreds, or even thousands, and have more than one team member being able to create those heads, not just the single dedicated artist. So the heads ought to feel more generic, as much less time and ressources had been spent on each of them. That being said, it would have been possible to do a bit more to reduce the feeling of everyone looking like each other.
IMHO hostile ghouls in F4 are very cool. They are maybe not perfect enemies but effective fast like in horror movies
I hate the feral ghoul changes in Fallout4/76. In Fallout 3/NV the ghouls look way more fitting, skinny and decrepit, however even in Fallout 3/NV I didn't like that they ran at you. I get it's for gameplay purposes so you don't pick them off like fish in a barrel but I think those things should shamble at best like they do in Fallout 1 and 2. I also hate the idea of feral ghouls being mostly from the pre-war/immediate post-war era and surviving 200+ years just for you the player to kill them. I know that wasn't a Fallout 4/76 invention just like their ability to run, but Fallout 4/76 amplified that tenfold. Now feral ghouls, who realistically probably only get the bare minimum of nutrition from rats or cockroaches and other wasteland critters they come across can somehow fully sprint and lunge at you like NFL linebackers, and they all wear stupid little tattered pre-war dresses that somehow haven't fallen off them due to the elements. At least in New Vegas most of the ferals you come across in the wasteland carry items on them that infer they were survivors/prospectors/hunters who were just dealt a bad hand. They also don't even look that scary anymore imo in Fallout 4/76. The overall look and feel of Fallout passed away with Adam Adamowicz, the last person in Bethesda to truly understand the style of the Fallout universe. Not sure who took over for Adam after his passing, but whoever did, thanks to him the Fallout universe now looks like Rick and Morty to me.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Bethesda's main art designer croak between Skyrim and Fallout 4? It's just a case of bad art direction, Fallout 3 had an overall darker tone and aesthetic so they made things more grounded and aesthetically interesting. Fallout 4 is a cartoon wonderland of goofy explosions and sarcastic quips. It basically just wants to be Borderlands and like Borderlands the designs got softened exponentially.
It's down to personal taste and so on, but I think Bethesda has one of the best art teams in games. Past or present. Especially their industrial design. The old games had some good stuff that was carried over plus having that old crpg charm look, but I think the new stuff is better.

The F4 Deathclaw would be one that I don't care for though. Both design and animations are more fantasy and also just cool looking. F3 deathclaw was gangly and creepy looking and had uncanny animations. Nu-Deathclw just makes me think of WoW Cataclysm or something. I keep expecting it to breath fire.
Part of it almost certainly has to do with them using Face-Gen. The feral ghouls are discreet creature meshes—but you notice that they never talk. Interact-able NPCs use composited heads that allow for visual facial expressions, and automated lip-sync.
Time and money is the reasoning for a lot of this I'm sure. And the whole death of Adam thing everyone said before, considering the new people designing most of the assets and style for 4 and such seemingly follow way different rules for everything. Though I'll say that 4 has at least come close to working with the 1st and 2nd game's aspects of implying there being different body types instead of having it locked into one type alone without mods due to the nature of the engine itself. Still that doesn't really save the weight triangle thing they made but it's a decent step until they bring in dwarves.

Super Mutants will always look like shit in 4 though. Unbelievable how they made the armor for them worse too.
Unbelievable how they made the armor for them worse too.
Sure it's believable. They poison everything they touch; Oblivion from Morrowind, Morrowind from Daggerfall, FO3 from Oblivion, FO4 from FO3. The new guard (as opposed to their old guard) —are incompetent.

Aside from that, they are out to make walking sims, not proper games, and they don't comprehend the dismay that they cause... it contradicts their assumed truths.

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