Irwin John Finster
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Fallout 1 was made in 1997 when people were still bragging about their 200 mb of RAM or whatever it was back then. Fallout 4 was released in 2015. So why exactly do the Super Mutants, Ghouls, and even the Humans you talk to in Fallout 1 look more detailed, more interesting, and simply better than their counterparts in Fallout 4?
For example, Set from Necropolis is a Ghoul. You can't even tell what those leatherfaces with black eyes are in Fallout 4, but apparently that's Bethesda's take on ghouls now. Set was a hideous monstrosity with visible muscles and tendons and his face was downright terrifying. On the other hand, Fallout 4 ghouls are simply leathery-skinned people with black eyes.
Same goes for the Super Mutants. Compare Lou Tenant or his subordinates, who have a lot of detail with their various accessories down to their hideous teeth, with Strong in Fallout 4 who is just a giant green man like The Hulk.
Then look at some humans you talk to. In Fallout 4, they really do look like actual mannequins, which is fitting since the Commonwealth is inexplicably littered with mannequins. When it rains, it looks like they took some oil and poured it over a mannequin. They have robotic animations and bad voice acting. Compared with the Brotherhood of Steel guy who tries to send you to the Glow in Fallout 1. His animations aren't great but even in 1997 it looks way better than the weird out of sync robots in Fallout 4.
So why exactly did this game take 7 years to make? Literally everything down to the characters' faces has been dumbed down with less content. I guess it was all that Workshop crafting DLC cash grab stuff that was probably deliberately cut from the base game and repackaged as 50% of the Season Pass price.
For example, Set from Necropolis is a Ghoul. You can't even tell what those leatherfaces with black eyes are in Fallout 4, but apparently that's Bethesda's take on ghouls now. Set was a hideous monstrosity with visible muscles and tendons and his face was downright terrifying. On the other hand, Fallout 4 ghouls are simply leathery-skinned people with black eyes.
Same goes for the Super Mutants. Compare Lou Tenant or his subordinates, who have a lot of detail with their various accessories down to their hideous teeth, with Strong in Fallout 4 who is just a giant green man like The Hulk.
Then look at some humans you talk to. In Fallout 4, they really do look like actual mannequins, which is fitting since the Commonwealth is inexplicably littered with mannequins. When it rains, it looks like they took some oil and poured it over a mannequin. They have robotic animations and bad voice acting. Compared with the Brotherhood of Steel guy who tries to send you to the Glow in Fallout 1. His animations aren't great but even in 1997 it looks way better than the weird out of sync robots in Fallout 4.
So why exactly did this game take 7 years to make? Literally everything down to the characters' faces has been dumbed down with less content. I guess it was all that Workshop crafting DLC cash grab stuff that was probably deliberately cut from the base game and repackaged as 50% of the Season Pass price.