Why do you like NMA?

Bethesda broke my heart with Fallout 4. I had been a huge fanboy of them up until that game, every night I prayed to Godd Howard. Fallout 4 killed not only my respect of Bethesda but my girlfriend's as well. We both started the series with Fallout 3 and thought it was pretty good. Then we played New Vegas and thought it was vastly superior in every way. I went on to play the original 2 Fallouts and found them just as good as New Vegas, while my GF stuck with New Vegas only and still plays it 5 years later. We both thought that, since New Vegas came out years prior to FO4, Bethesda would take a lot of pointers from them on how to make a good game. We thought Fallout 3 was decent as I said, but NV blew it out of the water.

That's not what happened though. FO4 got rid of everything that made NV great and even the things that made FO3 tolerable. When I went on the Fallout reddit to complain about this abomination, I was bashed and told to "shut the fuck up, it's a great game you nerd". Thus, disillusioned and filled with hate for Bethesda, I found this place, and I've been here ever since. I love it here. I can talk shit about my former 2nd favorite video game company all day long and everyone agrees with me.