Why do you think that modern Fallout don't let you dow hat you coul do with Miria?


First time out of the vault
Fallout 3, Vegas, or 4 never get as wild as Fallout 2 when it comes to sexuality. Fallout 2 allowed you to do things with Myria that for some reason are not possible in modern Fallout.Would it be too controversial?
Fallout 3, Vegas, or 4 never get as wild as Fallout 2 when it comes to sexuality. Fallout 2 allowed you to do things with Myria that for some reason are not possible in modern Fallout.Would it be too controversial?
It's in the age of people didnt have 53 gender selection, so they can be as wild as they want.

Although, i dont think New Vegas is too tame, however~ We didnt have samething, but Mistress Joana dont have same equivalent in Fallout 2 either, or Fisto "assuming position".