Why FO4 may be liked by intelligent people

Don't watch the Terminator movies and spare yourself from seeing a great sci-fi horror movie devolve into a franchise of forced Arnold one liners and explosions. If you do watch it though as stated above stick to T1, T2, and the tv show.
There are two types of people in the world, those who get insulted by bad writing and those who don't even notice it's bad. Most intelligent people enjoy intelligent things, and likewise most stupid people enjoy stupid things. There are outliers and statistical anomalies, but I've found these generally hold up regardless of race, culture, background or age throughout the course of my life. It's a rare person who has an educated perspective in addition to having the capacity for critical thought - and lacking either of them will result in feedback meant to be discarded.

So whether or not OP's claim of "My friend is really smart! I know him!" is accurate or incorrectly evaluated (what I suspect) isn't really relevant. That's one (unproven) example amidst a sea of contrary information.
There are two types of people in the world, those who get insulted by bad writing and those who don't even notice it's bad. Most intelligent people enjoy intelligent things, and likewise most stupid people enjoy stupid things. There are outliers and statistical anomalies, but I've found these generally hold up regardless of race, culture, background or age throughout the course of my life. It's a rare person who has an educated perspective in addition to having the capacity for critical thought - and lacking either of them will result in feedback meant to be discarded.

So whether or not OP's claim of "My friend is really smart! I know him!" is accurate or incorrectly evaluated (what I suspect) isn't really relevant. That's one (unproven) example amidst a sea of contrary information.

That is, of course, only assuming OP's friend is the sole example, which we all know by way of personal experience and from common sense that it is not. And honestly, even unproven, what is the criteria a piece of entertainment has to meet to be "intelligent"? Isn't that a bit subjective?

Also, it's a bit of a leap to imply that the majority of people who are not insulted by bad writing simply enjoy stupid things. Unless I've misunderstood what you meant. But having low standards and being intelligent isn't mutually exclusive.