Why I have a love/hate relationship with Fallout 3


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Okay, I like Fallout 3 and...I don't like it as well.

To explain better I'll describe my first time playing Fallout 3

I purchased the game from Gamestop for like 3 dollars. I put it in my Xbox 360. I go through the Vault 101 intro and leave the Vault all guud ya know and start heading down the hill towards Megaton. I encounter BOS Outcasts immediately somehow (any explanations?) and think, "Ooh, I like that cool looking armor! *le pew pew with the 10mm Pistol* *le dead*. I say, well shit they just assraped me damn. Respawn. I go down the hill again but don't turn where I did to see the BOS, I encounter a Caravan and start dialogue. GAME FREEZES. Restart Xbox and everytime I load the save it freezes. I assume, eh game is super buggy or I got a broke copy, all gucci. I give the game to a friend in a trade thinking, "Hah, he just gave me Mirror's Edge and Gears 3 for that broke geeem. It works perfectly for this guy. He gives it back to me for Mirror's Edge and I play it again, start a new game do that bullshit fucking intro (I really hate it sorry guis) and play the game. I get to where you first fight the Super Mutants and game fucking bugs out again. Restart and a bunch of textures are missing etc. etc.

Like 2 years pass, I'm gifted the game online and decide to play it again. So I play it and don't mind the smoll bugs and all that, get to be like level 18 or something and I'm on the final Mission, Liberty Prime encounters a game breaking glitch where he is just stuck motionless in one spot, I clear out the Enclave in the entire area, still stuck, reload last save. Still stuck, reload a couple saves before that, still stuck. I will be honest this made me extremely pissed to the point where I don't even think I ever beat Fallout 3 100%. To put in comparison, New Vegas, the game everyone calls buggy as hell, I have had zero, count em, zero glitches that made it so I couldn't do a mission or finish the game or even play or anything. Worst glitch I've had was Arcade Gannon getting stuck in between a ladder and a wall which I fixed by reloading my save.

But Fallout 3 does have its ups for me as well

For Example, it got me to play (most) of the rest of the series and love it. I also loved the outskirts of Dc while being terrified to go in the subway stations (I hated the jumpscare kings down there (ghouls) and I would always get lost). It got me invested in the story (I was easy to impress and thought this was just a FPS). It also made me play real RPG games for the first time. (I thought the best RPGs where like Borderlands and Skyrim)

That's pretty much it, describe how you guys had with your first playthrough of Fallout 3, or discuss how shitty/good the game is I don't mind really.:dance:
I find Fallout 3 is a mixed bag.
On the one hand, it was everything I wanted in a game, something that was a bit more complex than GTA but could also be played without needing to understand as much.
On the other hand, playing it again now really does show its age.

It's a shame, because as a game, I would say Fallout 3 is a pretty decent game. It has its flaws, but at the same time, there's still a level of enjoyability.
As a Fallout game through, it sucks. It doesn't tick any of the boxes that make a good Fallout game and the story itself makes no sense in the overall cannon.

If I had to describe Fallout 3, I would say it's the "Revenge of the Sith" of the series.
Not a bad piece of entertainment, but I could see where they were going.

But there's no reason to play it these days, especially considering New Vegas does everything better.
Upgrade it is the first step of the road to join the master race.
I will eventually.
F3 had fun quests. A lot of them didn't fit but they were pretty creative and some even used DC as a setting well. Whilst there was no distinct style to the overall look the architecture in DC was also pretty good. It laid the groundwork for NV and also showed that a 3d Fallout game could work (on a technical level- things like travelling).

F4 doesn't do anything right in my opinion. Companions maybe, but compared to NV they're still fucking shit. Really made me think about how Fallout 3, whilst not fitting of the Fallout name, was still a somewhat competent video game.
For me, I love Fallout 3 truly but the game has not aged well graphically.

I'd love a remastered Fallout 3.

Maybe with characters created like Fallout 4.