Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Electric cars are far cleaner than hydrogen (which is horribly dirty and inefficient, it's not a realistic fuel source) and ethanol and are actually more efficient than fuel burning cars, it's just that it takes hours to recharge them and increasing capacity is much more expensive and heavy than with fuel.KarmaPolice said:That's why electric cars have taken off, despite there relitive inefficany and lack of greeness. Brazil is the only nation with a nation-wide supply of ethenol from petrol stations, and that was done with grants and tax-breaks from the goverment.
Not really, the only thing that you really need to change from petroleum based fuels to ethanol is maybe the rubber hoses (which wear out and have to be periodically replaced anyway). Ethanol would be an easy switch aside from the fact that it's completely unsustainable. The bigger and more important change is making vehicles with engines designed to use ethenol.KarmaPolice said:You will need to adapt the old petrol pump tech to pump ethenol. Then you will need to put in a new pump and underground storage tank (will mean you will need to close the station for a few days and hack through concrete). You'll need to build large regional storage tanks, put in new pipes between the storage depots and the refinery.