Wide Screen?

Communist Cake Commander

First time out of the vault
So recently, I got a wide screen monitor, and after Killapp's Restoration Mod 2.0 came out, I wanted to replay Fallout 2. The only problem is that the screen is very stretched. If I use the resolution mod and set it to 1920x1080, it's still very stretched. Is there a way to play the game without stretching? Or am I doomed to a stretched eternity?
Your monitor probably have an option to change screen aspect between 16:9 (wide) and 4:3 (not-wide)

At least mine does have, I click RATIO on the remote control and it changes between these two. Or go into the menu > image "folder", section or whatever it is called in english.

Changing aspect to 4:3 and setting Fallout to 800x600 works like a charm, just like 10 years ago - but a lot better now :mrgreen:
I too have a wide-screen LCD, so I had to deal with the same problem of older games stretching to fill the screen.

Here's how to fix it:

1. If you have an NVIDIA card:
Go to the NVIDIA Control panel, Display>Adjust desktop size and position, then select "Use NVIDIA scaling with fixed-aspect ratio."

2. If you have an ATI card:
Go to the Catalyst Control Center, Digital Panel (DVI)>Attributes, then under "Image Scaling" check the box that says "Enable GPU scaling", and below that select "Maintain aspect ratio."
Communist Cake Commander said:
If I use the resolution mod and set it to 1920x1080, it's still very stretched. Is there a way to play the game without stretching? Or am I doomed to a stretched eternity?
If you have the Hi-res patch set to your monitors native resolution there should be no stretching. Unless your using one of sfalls Directx 9 modes and have the scaling resolution set to something other than your native resolution.
Settings for both the hi-res patch and sfall can be accessed from the main-menu by clicking the options button then the SCRN button.

Makenshi said:
Changing aspect to 4:3 and setting Fallout to 800x600 works like a charm, just like 10 years ago - but a lot better now :mrgreen:
I think your better off staying with 16:9. If you find the text to small to read at your monitors native res use sfall to scale up from something smaller.
Some example settings:

sfall settings
DX9 mode = fullscreen
scale to resolution = 1920x1080 (monitors native res)

Hi-Res settings
resolution 960x540 (native res divided by 2)
If you wanted something closer to the original but 16:9 you could try 864x486.

Better than black bars down either side. Just my 2 cents.:)