Will Bush unify the country or is it all a lot of BS


Ok, Kerry asks for reunification after a bitter campaign. Bush says he will work to earn the trust of Democrats.

Is this honest or mostly bullshit.

The CNN spinsters speak-

Frankly, I think this is a token victory speech or an attempt to sway democrats to the republican party- and maybe get some blue states.

But why would Bush bother- he's got a popular majority and the support of the evengelicals. If he doesn't own up to that constituency- they might not support him in the future.

So these claims of reunification sound to like a lot of bullshit.
I'll reunify with teh evangelicals and their lapdogs when they appint supreme court justices who are fair and balanced. In other words, when hell freezes over.
Bush says a lot of things. This particular thing sounds like BS.

I think that you're going to hear a lot of things coming from Bush now that are to the tune of "Some of the criticisms me that Kerry cited are true I'm going to bring change now. Blah, blah blah."

You know, basically trying to get people who voted against him to like him again. (Or for the first time.)
The real question if whether Bush can speak without mis-pronouncing a word.

Regardless it is Bullshit. He already runs the country and he cant get elected for a third term so he might as well take the nation to hell while it's still under his control. Its not like anyone can stop him until the four years are over.

The Vault Dweller
But why would he bother? He already has a majority of the popular vote and the electoral vote in one of the largest voter turnouts ever. If that doesn't give him a popular mandate, than the control of both houses in Congress means he can just about do anything he wants.

With a few judges about to retire from the supreme court, it looks like it will be a very republican-conservative four years.

So he might as well just tell the Democrats to get fucked.
"so he might as well tell the demoncrats to get fuckked" amen go fuck yer selfs. every thing that came out of kerrys mouth was pure BS as well, he says he cares about the little man but when we ask him how he just says "its all on my website", lower class families often cant afford computers, and some local librarys in the "gehtos" cant afford computers either, so in fact he could care less about the little man. the fact is that demoncrats are lucky that bush is willing to forgive and make up, when you attacked him personally, his wife his family, his religion. you can attack policy all you want but the fact of the matter is that demoncrats made this personal. hailing their "sacred cow" kerry demoncrats attacked bush in every aspect and it lost them the VOTE.
Tough Neighborhood

Tough Neighborhood

It's hard to say who threw the 'first stone'.

Bob, when the supporters of Bush profiled Senator John McCain as a dangerous psychopath in the 2000 South Carolina Primary, wasn't that a personal attack?

The sad fact is McCain was no threat to the Bush nomination, but Mccain was personally savaged by the Bush campaign dirty tricks squad.

It was not necessary. Bush can not dodge the responsibility that it was done by unknown 'third party' zealots. Especially when he campaigns on ""He Means What He Says.""

It was not necessary. And that tells me more about a politician's personal character than they may care to let out.

As to taking the "high road" after victory, and offering to leave all the bitter trash talk behind, Bush is only doing "the right thing".
Bush has 2 years before the next House elections and encouraging obstruction from the democrats is not going to grease the path of his
tax and Social Security agenda.

welsh said:
Ok, Kerry asks for reunification after a bitter campaign. Bush says he will work to earn the trust of Democrats.

Is this honest or mostly bullshit.

It's funny how "reunification" seems to imply Bush moving and others not moving. Yet, the majority of the people seem to stand on Bush's side (look at the popular vote and congressional elections).

Anything to get a shot in...
Tone, are you suggesting than, that more liberals and moderates should become conservative?

Wouldn't it be easy to have a president who was a little less conservative and a little more to the middle. Afterall, Bush wins the popular vote in large part, according to a lot of analysis, due to the evengelical vote and the "no gay marriage" crowd.

Would the country really be better off with that- a massive move to the right, or a president who would like to consider that nearly half the country voted against him.

True, Bush wins the popular vote, but even 4 million votes in 60% turnout is not that great a "mandate" especially when polls still suggest that people are generally dissatisfied with Bush's performance.