Windows 7?


First time out of the vault
NMA FAQ states: "Fallout 3 will work on PCs running either Windows XP or Vista." This is probably a silly question but it will also work on Windows 7, right?
It runs fine for me, though I do suffer the color corruption issue. I've not bothered to correct it yet.
I know this is a fairly old topic but it suffers a memory leak bug on Win 7 64-bit. It starts out ok, crashing after a few hours, but my game has now gotten to a point where I can't play more than 30-45 minutes without getting booted to the desktop.
Am play on win7 64bit and dont see any visible big problems, regular crash etc.

Probably in my opinion game may crash (as any other) when procesor is overheat (play some hours fine and longer begin strange behaviour or even game crash, exit to windows) solution is wait half hour after 3 hours playing (for example playing on laptop without extra cooler under it or when something block its vent)

Other known problems is that game don't run on comp with integrated gfx (such as Intel HD) for that need put d3d.dll file to game directory (well for me it works) good solutions for run game am found here
It most assuredly will, but it will turn off Areo every time you start it for some unknown reason. Other than that, it will run the same as it would on XP. Any crashes, freezes will be hardware-related.
sydney_roo said:
It most assuredly will, but it will turn off Areo every time you start it for some unknown reason. Other than that, it will run the same as it would on XP. Any crashes, freezes will be hardware-related.

Yes, I'm playing it now again on Windows 7 64 bit I7 with 8 Cores.
If it works on 64bit, it will sure work on 32bit also.
Because the game was original maded for 32bit computers.

The highest problem is: about the cores ...
Duo Core/Quad Core/... The game have the intention to Crash,
sooner or later. And all tricks (changing the ini file and so)
is a temporary solution. Sooner or later, it will crash again.

But hey, I'm playing now more hours, than in the past,
without any crash. If it's one crash, every 3 hours,
I can live with it. Thanks to changing ini file settings.

Just do: "regulary" a save-game.