Windows 95 with Direct 3.0a ??


First time out of the vault

I have installed "F2_Restoration_Project_2.0.exe", but it pops above error message (it seems the image can not be shown correctly), may I know what can i do to fix it ? (the error message is "This program requires Windows 95 with DirectX 3.0a or later or Windows NT version 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or greater
What OS are you running? And this error comes up when you try to run the game?
Your link send's me to some windows live login page.
It sounds a lot like an old problem with sfall and running in compatibility mode but as I remember that was fixed a long time ago.

A few questions:

1) Do you have any mods installed apart from the RP? If yes, which ones and in which order did you installed them?

2) Are you trying to run the .exe in compatibility mode?
Lord Danath said:
It sounds a lot like an old problem with sfall and running in compatibility mode but as I remember that was fixed a long time ago.

A few questions:

1) Do you have any mods installed apart from the RP? If yes, which ones and in which order did you installed them?

2) Are you trying to run the .exe in compatibility mode?
i only installed RP ("F2_Restoration_Project_2.0.exe"), nothing more, i can play without apply this patch

compatibility mode ? how to ? can you tell me more, thanks
Right clicking on Fallout2.exe should bring up a menu with various options, one of them is properties.

Clicking that should bring up another window with a few tabs on top.

Choose the compatibility tab and uncheck everything in that tab.

That should ensure you are not running in compatibility mode.

If that doesn't work your only other option should be to download a new version of sfall and copying only ddraw.dll to your Fallout folder.
ng0200731 said:
i am xP, may i know which os is needed to play this game

Why are you posting this?

Did you already tried what I wrote above?

Also there's not a specific OS to play this game in. Myself I play in Windows XP SP3 as a lot of other people here so it should work for you as well.
i have tried all, but all fails
Windows NT (service pack 5)
Windows 95
Windows 98 / Me
Windows 2000

can you tell me more about the "new version of sfall and copying only ddraw.dll to your Fallout folder."
ng0200731 said:
i have tried all, but all fails
Windows NT (service pack 5)
Windows 95
Windows 98 / Me
Windows 2000

can you tell me more about the "new version of sfall and copying only ddraw.dll to your Fallout folder."

You are not really reading what people posts do you?

Where did I say that you should try the different compatibility options?

I said to uncheck every box in that tab. That means no compatibility mode at all.

As for the new version of sfall. Google "sFall" and you should find it easily. When you download it make sure to only copy the file called ddraw.dll. Do not copy over ddraw.ini or you'll not be able to start the game.
Hm, it looks like you don't have DirectX9.0c properly updated. Download and install DirectX9.0c redist from February 2010 (look at Microsoft pages)

I'm running WinXP + SP2, no problems here.

Eventually, open ddraw.ini file and set Mode=0 in the [Graphics] section. (and don't change in-game sfall/DirectX setting later)
thanks, and it fails

1) i uses directx happy uninstall to restore the directx to 8
2) install DirectX9.0c redist
3) reinstall fallout 2 (chinese version)
4) install unofficialFO2patch.exe

but it fails

any more help ?
ng0200731 said:
thanks, and it fails

1) i uses directx happy uninstall to restore the directx to 8
2) install DirectX9.0c redist
3) reinstall fallout 2 (chinese version)
4) install unofficialFO2patch.exe

but it fails

any more help ?

Wait a minute.

Are you using the Unofficial Patch or the RP? In your first post you said you are using the RP and now you said you are using the Patch.

Also after uninstalling FO2 did you checked to see if any files were left behind?

If you already tried what Killap, Valcik and I have said and it's not working then I'm at a loss as what the problem could be.

Edit: Also when you extracted the new version of sFall did it asked you to overwrite the old one?

Edit 2: Also would you mind taking a screenshot showing what files are in your Fallout 2 folder and post it here?
Wait a minute.

Are you using the Unofficial Patch or the RP? In your first post you said you are using the RP and now you said you are using the Patch.
[i think they are the same, but different version, i have tried both, both results are the same

Also after uninstalling FO2 did you checked to see if any files were left behind?
[i delete all manually]

If you already tried what Killap, Valcik and I have said and it's not working then I'm at a loss as what the problem could be.

Edit: Also when you extracted the new version of sFall did it asked you to overwrite the old one?
[yes, i overwrite the old one]

Edit 2: Also would you mind taking a screenshot showing what files are in your Fallout 2 folder and post it here?
i have spotted the icon is different when i have different view