Windows Vista gaming 10 to 15 percent slower than XP

There is some interesting games in Linux (native); Neverwinter Nights 1, X-Plane 8, Unreal Tournament (all of them, including 2007), Quake III, Alpha Centauri + Alien Cross Fire, Savage 1 and 2, Dominion, Quake IV, Tribes 2, Red Orchestra... and you can play with Cedega and Wine many Windows Games (Fallout, by example).


I hope developers start to create games in Open GL for Linux and Windows.

Sander said:
Finesse said:
Linux isnt a solution, its a problem when it comes to gaming... unless the only thing you use your os for is web browsing.
You are way, way, way behind. Linux' graphical capabilities are equal to or even outshine Windows' capabilities on nVidia chipsets and come close on ATi chipsets. Many games can be played adequately using a Windows emulator, and several high-profile games can be played well natively.

Linux (and to make it easy, take Ubuntu as a Linux benchmark) currently does a lot of things better than Windows.

The only problem slowing down Linux's popularity is the lack of game-support... Juz like Mac.
more vista news:

Vista will be device bound (able to transfer once). this means modders and enthousiasts will likely get fucked up the ass (since they tend to change hardware often). simple upgrades shouldnt be a problem, but still, i know quite a lot of people who update their pc's at a fast rate.

also, this totally invalidates the price difference between the OEM and normal version. what's the use of that?