[WIP]Brotherhood Bus

He pal you can get a free version of Photoshop CS2 about everywhere :) Yeah, free stuff is great : http://www.techspot.com/downloads/3689-adobe-photoshop-cs2.html

I don't think there is such a thing as 32bits alpha channel. The Sprite editor error is due to your .BMP file having too many AND too less colors... strangely. You must change every part of the animation to index color (256 colors) (you can save that palette to use later on every other parts of your animation - it MUST be the same palette) AND then you change your image back to RGB to save after as a .BMP 32 bits. It will keep the alpha channel on and you will never have the Sprite editor error again. In fact, you will only get back the error if you use BMPS with two or more different 256 colors palettes in the same sprite.

And for large sprites, I think the main limitation is the bounding box. The sprite can be BIG.
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Have you ever tried torrents?you could get latest photoshop for free,but now all photoshop programs are for Windows 8 or the newest windows.

As about my sprite,it will be huge size like a house.

It's weird that the FO2 mutant sprites are bigger than FOT ones
I think it can works the size of a small house. I made large animated water sprites and had no problem making them.