Wired: Games need Hugos too

Atomic Cowboy said:
This is dangerous ground that they're messing around with. Hugo Awards are supposed to mean something; it can't be the sort of hackery vote buying that you get in the Gaming Industry.

Nothing is sacred nowadays.

Breaking Dawn was the recipient of a British Book Award for "Children's Book of the Year", despite competition with JK Rowling's The Tales of Beedle the Bard.[17] In the 2009 "Children's Choice Book Awards", the novel was chosen as "Teen Choice Book of the Year" and won Meyer the "Author of the Year" award.

It's not a Hugo but it's still horrible. I haven't read the latest Hugo recipients, but just because they have a prize doesn't mean much.

That said, I'm against it. I mean - not before movies begin receiving Hugo awards.
Ahh, gaming industry trying to claim it's just as developed and deserves the same kind of recognition as novels again.

I'd just like to see developers forget all that 'story' crap for a moment, and focus on making a genuinely good game with the gameplay, not a sub-par game with no merit beyond a supposedly deep (but really as shallow as a paddling pool) story.

Then, come up with a story that actually ties into the gameplay, rather than being stuck over the top, and assuming you didn't write some crappy clichéd abortion of a plot, you might deserve a mention at these kinds of awards.

Nothing mentioned there has that kind of legitimacy.