John Uskglass
Venerable Relic of the Wastes

UN uncovers banned weapons
By Edith M. Lederer
June 10, 2004
UN weapons experts have found 20 engines used in Iraq's banned Al Samoud 2 missiles in a scrapyard in Jordan along with other equipment which could be used to produce weapons of mass destruction, the acting chief UUN inspector said.
DEMETRIUS Perricos disclosed the discovery by the experts who just returned from Jordan in a closed-door briefing Wednesday to the UN Security Council. The text was obtained by The Associated Press.
The UN team was following up on an earlier discovery of a similar engine in a scrapyard in the Dutch port of Rotterdam, and Perricos said a request has been made to Turkey which has also received scrap metal from Iraq.
In his briefing to the Security Council, Mr Perricos said UN inspectors do not know how much material that they had monitored because of possible dual use in legitimate civilian activities and banned weapons production has been removed from Iraq.
UN inspectors were pulled out of Iraq just before the war began in March 2003, and the United States has refused to allow them to return, instead deploying its own teams to search for weapons of mass destruction. Perricos suggested that the interim Iraqi government, which will assume sovereignty when the U.S. and British occupation of the country ends on June 30, may want to reconsider "the whole policy for the continued export of metal scrap" which apparently started in mid-2003 and is regulated by the U.S.-led coalition.
"The removal of these materials from Iraq raises concerns with regard to proliferation risks associated with dual-use material and equipment being transferred to unknown destinations, thereby also rendering the task of the disarmament of Iraq and its eventual confirmation, more difficult," Mr Perricos said.
"The only controls at the borders are for the weight of the scrap metal, and to check whether there are any explosive or radioactive materials within the scrap," he said, according to the text of his briefing.
Afterward, he told reporters that up to a thousand tons of scrap metal was leaving Iraq every day.
"It's being exported. It's being traded out, and there is a large variety of scrap metal from very new to very old, and slowly, it seems the country is depleted of metal," he said.
During last week's visit to Jordan, Mr Perricos told the council that U.N. experts visited "relevant scrapyards" with the full cooperation of Jordanian authorities and discovered 20 SA-2 missile engines.
The UN team also discovered some processing equipment with UN. tags - which show it was being monitored - including chemical reactors, heat exchangers, and a solid propellant mixer bowl to make missile fuel, he said.
It also discovered "a large number of other processing equipment without tags, in very good condition."
"hese visits provide just a snapshot of the whole picture since the scrap metal has a short residence time and is re-exported to various countries," Mr ricos told the council.
In its quarterly report to the council on Monday, the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission which Mr Perricos heads, said a number of sites in Iraq known to have contained equipment and material that could be used to produce banned weapons and long-range missiles have been cleaned out or destroyed.
The inspectors said they didn't know whether the items, which had been monitored by the United Nations, were at the sites during the US-led war in Iraq.
The commission, known as UNMOVIC, said it was possible some material was taken by looters and sold as scrap.
UNMOVIC said its experts and a team from the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN body responsible for dismantling Iraq's nuclear program, were jointly investigating items from Iraq discovered in a scrapyard in Rotterdam.
The Associated Press