Women in the Military

Should women be in the military?

  • Yes, if a man can fight so should a woman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, a woman should not be on the battlefield

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, it just ruins the fun

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, or only if its a movie and they're hot

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hell yes, women have a higher threshold to pain then men!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Actually there is this book by a fellow named Van Creevald, who says that when women start going to war, men will be less interested.

It's like sports. Men do it because it makes them feel manly and show off. But to compete with women just takes the fun out of it.
welsh said:
just takes the fun out of it.

Ahh man that's the quote of the century! "When women enter the warzone, men loose interest in vaging (dunno if it's spelled like this, hmm..spellchecker..yes!) war because it's not fun anymore.."
I know, its kind of wild. But the argument goes along the lines of war as being one of the great opportunities for men to adventure, do manly things, come back heroes, etc. It's a guy thing.

If you look at your ancient Greeks, war was part of the ideal of honor and prestige- important issues for guys.

Now if you take women and put them in other male dominated sports- soccer, baseball, hockey, racing, etc- the men aren't into it anymore.

SO you look like a pussy if some chick can kill more guys with a bayonet than you can.

But then look at sports- we have women's leagues for tennis, soccer, basketball, etc. Not many co-ed sports.
welsh said:
But then look at sports- we have women's leagues for tennis, soccer, basketball, etc. Not many co-ed sports.

Well that due to the fact that men, generally, are stronger/faster, ie more physical, then women. Not to sound like a men-women racist, but it is true..

As to the quote, it's a known fact that wars were the proving grounds for the men earlier but the quote was so good, couldn't resist 8)
Odin said:
I think the term you're looking for is "waging"...

If she can pass the normal tests, then she should be able to slap some ass and shoot some baddies like any regular soldier!
Katja said:
*is not a harpie*

Nah, you're one of my valkyries Katja! For those of you who don't know what a valkyrie is:<blockquote>The Valkyries ("Choosers of the Slain") are beautiful young women, mounted upon winged horses and armed with helmets and spears.</blockquote>... just don't read the rest of the description about them, Katja :wink:

Who's the lucky fellow to mount the valkyries on the horses?

Odin said:
The Valkyries ("Choosers of the Slain") are beautiful young women, mounted upon winged horses and armed with helmets and spears.
They were beautiful in a Viking sense of beauty. Today they would be considered burly and fat. :lol:

Hey, now that you are here, Odin, would it be a problem to give Slamak his Ultimate Nerd tag? The guy really deserved it...
Ratty said:
They were beautiful in a Viking sense of beauty. Today they would be considered burly and fat. :lol:
Someone needs a history lesson, let's see.. You know you learned that the vikings raided towns, churches etc.. And when doing so, they took all the beautiful women and took them back home. Just look at English women, not many beautiful left :P

Ratty said:
Hey, now that you are here, Odin, would it be a problem to give Slamak his Ultimate Nerd tag? The guy really deserved it...

I believe he has it..dunno who put it in..perhaps Kharn..
Odin, I have heard that is why Iceland makes New York look like Demoin, but how does that explain the French? The Normans did not have a similar practice, did they?
Actually if you had read your history, you'd understand that alot of vikings ended up living in..you got it..Normandy.. hence the name.. So that's why French got hot babes!..

Oh and we raided France as well... and the rest of Europe.. Hell, we even discovered America and traveled as far as the middle east (can't remember if they ever went to Asia)..

Ahh yes, my roots...btw I'm gorgeous.. :P
I know Odin, my middle name is Norman for "Drunken Knight", which is ironc considering we share the family name with the head of the Mormon Church.
I do not think the Normans had a similar tradition though.....they became local rulers, not taking whatever they wanted.
Ehh no again, when a group of 40 norman berserkers went to the holy land not long after they got normandie. They scared the shite out of the muslims. And they were considered dangerous even though they were so few. They were not for long and that is why the muslims took back Al-quds. :wink:
Odin said:
You know you learned that the vikings raided towns, churches etc.. And when doing so, they took all the beautiful women and took them back home. Just look at English women, not many beautiful left :P
So what happened to all those beautiful women the Vikings kidnapped? They sure the hell didn't stay in Scandinavia... :twisted:
They went to Iceland. That explains everything now, eh?

For spring break, I want to go there! Sadly, I have to tell myself to keep dreaming :(
Ratty said:
So what happened to all those beautiful women the Vikings kidnapped? They sure the hell didn't stay in Scandinavia... :twisted:

Guess you've never been here..