world map sticker names?


First time out of the vault
Hi all

I cant figure out how to get my map name in that box on the right side of the worldmap.

You know those green sticker names of all the other maps.

Tried searching the tuts and couldnt find anything relating to the worldmap location green sticker names on the right??

Use a program (Fallout 2 (datexpl) to unzip the master DAT file – the art you’re looking for is in \art\intrface folder…use Titanium Frm Browser 1.3 to view the image.
...And then find the file city.txt in your data/data folder and open it with Notepad. Lines like this


are what you need to modify. The number 372 corresponds to the line number of the art file in another file: intrface.lst found in the folder that Pixote mentioned above. That is also the folder where your new label is placed.

I don't know what the last line of the intrface.lst file is, originally. But, EG_HUBO.FRM ; Endgame Sequence - Hubologists is line number 473. So, if you created a new label, and placed it after this line, it would be 474. You would then add townmap_label_art_idx=474 to your city.txt file.
Thanks for support guys, I couldn't find that Titanium 1.3 frm viewer in the nma files section? so I am using icemans frm converter.

What frm to image format converter do u guys recomend?

Having some trouble changing the colours and letters when converted the frm to bmp and back again.

What image editor do other modders use when making these name tabs?
I am using is windows 7 paint and its kinda crap.
It does the job... but the colours look crap when its converted back to frm format.

Maybe I should save the bmp image as 8bit or 16 bit?

MY Edited version BMP format ~ using windows 7 paint :oops:


Original BMP game version

Titanium FRM browser link:

And yes, unless you are planning to use an updated version of sfall where more than 8-bit images are allowed, you must convert your pictures to 8-bit bitmaps, then into an FRM.

BTW, I personally use Photoshop in editing all my images; I had never even thought about using Paint before... seemed to primitive to me :wink:
Great thanks

Also does anyone know the number of the last frm in the INTRFACE.LST ?

I cant count them all, as they are not numbered :evil:

I am using F2 Resoration mod and the last frm in the list is TWNEPA.FRM ; EPA map

I put my frm after that in the list so it should show up right?

unless I botched the frm conversion and it is blank :oops:
Im confused, I saved it as 8 bit bmp then converted to frm but the colours are still messed up in game :?

I also use sfall in making my location mod so my game is 16bit colour, should that make any difference?

I had to use win7 paint shop to edit bmp as my adobe photoshop trial expired.

Here are the frm and 8 bit bmp files so someone who has made one of these worldmap labels with success can take a look.

The colour conversion just needs to be fixed.

I will credit you in my mod, please help.
cheers mate, but I seem to get that same funky colour in game with your version to.

Suppose to look like this?


Dunno why its coming up in game like this, I think Im doing everything the tuts say, clueless.

ah well ill just focus on finishing the maps and not worry how the label looks.
I missunderstund you I though you wanted to just convert this
I feel a bit bad about that so I quickly dropped an usable one together even though I read .Pixote. post I wanted to correct the mistake I made I should have guessed you wanted it to look like the ones in the game
There are two frm in the rar + the above pic and the modified bmp.
Though if you send it to .Pixote. you will probably get a better quality my skills gotten a bit rusted...
Thats great :clap: It looks perfect, thanks for helping me out and taking the time to do this.

Also cheers pixote for offering your help to.

Maybe the fo pal that I used is dodgy, I dunno why my colours dont change ingame :? As I said Im using windows paint with the frmcon20 tool to convert using the FO.pal.. maybe its the tool thats faulty?

Check out the insane colours on my edited townmap_art_idx pic

Something is wrong indeed...
I would try using the frame animator its quite easy to use maybe that will solve your color problems also I would suggest to use something else for the image editing I know the paint in Win7 has some neat stuff but it still not a Photoshop and since you probably don't have that I would say that instead of buying the latest Photoshop give a try to Gimp its quite powerful and totally freeware.
Plus, buds, please crop down that image in your last post - it stretches the forum way to the right & creates readability issues. ;-)

Sorry about that, my game res is in 1920x1200 16bit, I removed that huge image above.

My latest attempts using frame animator and gimp.. failed :oops:

in game screenshot 640x480 res, of my failed conversion.


frm and bmp files link, if anyone wants to help out and fix it :wink:

Im just going to stick with finishing my maps, I have had it with the damn palette conversion crap.
Grab an old edition of Photoshop...I'm sure you will find a copy somewhere on-line. Convert the image to Index and use the Fallout color palette. After that the Frame Animator will have no problems converting the image into the correct FRM. By the way your link doesn't have the image attached. :wink:
Found a copy of photoshop 7, but when I click on image/mode color table and try to load fallout.pal it wont load it as it says its not a valid microsoft palette file ?

fixed the links sorry.




2 maps to go then its finished for people to play :)

err anyone know how to make a critter hostile without using a script? is it possible?

I tried changing teams that didnt do anything.
Here they are -

I need to explain - it's important never to use pure white or black in the artwork of Fallout - those colors behave like alphas colors and screw the images up completely. Your image was suffering from that problem. Only use the colors in the Fallout palette in your artwork...when you convert the image to the correct palette the right colors are assigned to the image. Don't worry I had the same problems when I first started modding Fallout. :mrgreen:

bro you are awesome 8-) thanks.

If you ever need any maps made after I finish my mod let me know.

