World of Warcraft Cataclysm

Heh, with this expansion it is apparent what Blizz fears the most in terms of competition these days; Aion.

Oh, you can fly? Well guess what - Azeroth is now open to your flying mounts :)

Oh, there is a coole whirlwindy type of vortex thingy in the middle? Behold Cataclysm!

New races to play? Behold the Worgen and the Goblin!

etc etc - Aion has the same cartoony feel to it and Blizz is getting ready to meet the challenge. AoC, WAR, etc have got nothing on Aion in the eyes of Blizzard it seems.

Nice to read about the raids by the way - it seems I was right to get out post BC. I would be pissed off if I had experienced the raiding challenge nerfs you are talking about.
oh the fun times I had with WoW.
Been playing a hunter since beta and I must say the first few months after launch were the most fun. Not just because the game was new then, but much more because of the way people played the game.

Defending the Crossroads was one of my favorite pastimes.
Back in those days our guild used to gather near Undercity and waited for the daily alliance-attack on one of our towns, wich usually wouldn't take long.

I was never really interested in "phat lewt". Of course I was happy when i got some new item but i rarely did something (be it quests or instances) because of loot.
I enjoy the challenge. Yes I know, WoW isn't really challenging, nor was it back in the day when everything was harder. But you can make the game challenging. Instead of simple quest- and mob-grinding we used to pull as many mobs on us as we believed we could handle, and then some more. Or leveling up with the PvP-tag permanently enabled (on a PvE-Server).

I recently quit my account because I realized that I hadn't logged in for about 2 months and don't plan on going back for the new expansion. It just isn't the same anymore.

If I had to name one thing that ruined WoW for me, I think it would be: "MathCraft".

I may stand alone with this opinion but imo the leveling up to 60 was the most enjoyable time of WoW and can only shake my head when I hear how easy new players nowadays have it.

Sorry for the nostalgia :|
Daimyo said:
Heh, with this expansion it is apparent what Blizz fears the most in terms of competition these days; Aion.

I highly doubt Blizzard is worried at all by Aion. People said they same thing about D&D Online, Lord of the Rings, Conan, Warhammer, etc etc etc. They all failed miserably to extinguish WoWs rising star.

Daimyo said:
Oh, you can fly? Well guess what - Azeroth is now open to your flying mounts :)

Something people have been begging for since flying mounts were announced in Burning Crusade.

Daimyo said:
Oh, there is a coole whirlwindy type of vortex thingy in the middle? Behold Cataclysm!

The Maelstrom is not new, it was created during the Great Sundering when the well of Eternity collapsed. Been in the lore since WCIII.

Daimyo said:
New races to play? Behold the Worgen and the Goblin!

Yet another thing people have been wanting for a very long time. World of Warcraft: Rise of the Furries.
Dreadwolf said:
If I had to name one thing that ruined WoW for me, I think it would be: "MathCraft".

yup, thats what hunters were reduced to. needing people with PHDs in math to find out what your shot rotation should be. and how to do it.

every other class's DPS mechanics were much much simpler than hunters.

they were going to fix the gear in BC, and fix the mechanics in lich king, but i dont belive them.

i still think they cant find a way to fix hunter dps mechanics that wont require a super computer or phd in math to figure out.
Ah, there's the lore-rape.

Click on 'class combinations'.

It seems the Dwarf Mage is back, last time I saw that one was during beta. And now you can even play a dwarf shaman, undead hunter, and night-elf mage. In fact, everything can almost be anything.

If all those combinations are suddenly ruled ok, whats stopping them from also enabling the dwarf warlock, the undead druid, or the orc paladin? I guess they'll add those during the next half year or so. It's not as if lore or intelligible combo's count for shit anymore. This feels more like a failed april fools joke.

Glad I got out when I did.