World of Warcraft's Plague


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Now, I don't play World of Warcraft; those who do likely all ready know of this. However, for unfortunates like who me who don't play the game, but find situations like this amusing; here's the story.

Apparently there was the recent addition of Zul'Gurub, with the boss Hakkar. He deals a curse which inflicts around 300 damage every few seconds and will infect nearby players (though it only lasts about 10 seconds). Now, if you teleport to a city with the curse, things get very interesting. Especially since the plague will affect NPCS and will kill players under level fifty rather quickly. Those who survive continue to pass on the curse to those around them, so in busy areas, like cities, it's a nonstop cycle.

The GMs tried to enact quarantines, but to no effect as players bypassed them. The chaos, quite refreshing.

There is a video of the plague in action. As well as a this.
This is by far the most entertaining items I have read today, my good sir. Imagine the endless hours of balancing the game ushered into oblivion by a seemingly petty curse! How ironic!
Meh. What would be interesting is if the plague left the computers and infected the players who in term infect others and than everybody dies IRL. That would be cool.
There is no way developers didn't see something like this coming, so I imagine this "feature" is probably a joke on their part, intended to sow a bit of chaos and excitement among the unsuspecting WoW populace. It would be much better, though, if the curse lasted longer (half an hour, at least), but had lesser potency- kind of like an in-game flu epidemic.
I highly doubt it, because killing off everyone that doesn't have a high level is not a popular move. People can be short-sighted, as I believe the developers were here.
meh, is there much penalty to death? This situation would be one reason to argue against perma deaths. Imagine how mad those people would be then :).
There is no real penalty, except that you have to run back to your corpse in an ethereal form. If your corpse is unretrievable for some reason, you can always respawn in the graveyard and suffer a permanent loss of item durability and temporary "resurrection sickness" which drastically lowers your stats. The death system in WoW is pretty good if you ask me, and other MMORPGs should follow suit. Death is enough of a nuisance to motivate the player into honing his skills, while not being a serious enough detriment to demotivate the player when it occurs for reasons beyond his control, such as lag.

I have two family member's that are WoW addicts...I cant wait to ask you about this.

I mean just the concept of a disease actually spreading from player-to-player with those infected unwittingly probably giving many others the disease as they travel via teleport to other city's thinking "This is part of the game...I must have to travel somewhere to find a medicine man to send me on a six hour quest to find herbs...".


Sucks for those who spend all the money to play though.

The Vault Dweller