World War 1 game


Still Mildly Glowing
So i played and finished a game called Darkest of Days in which you travel through time and some levels are in World War 1, i just loved the WW1 setting, the trenches, old weaponry, and so on (there is even a level where you go aboard a zeppelin).

anyway, what i ask you guys is that you know any good WW1 game?

i did some research on wikipedia and found that the majority of WW1 are flight simulators, not that i do not like flight simulators but i am looking for something diferent (unless the flight simulator is really good)

hope you guys can help me :)
There's a strategy game called WW1: La Grande Guerre, which was an absolute disaster when it came out about a year ago. Since then, a bunch of patches has been released, though, and the game has improved a lot. I believe a gold version will be out soon, which should improve the game further.

It has a pretty steep learning curve, though, and you do need to read the manual, but it's a good game, imo.
The Darkness has a pretty cool WW1 sequence. It's supposed to be a demonic alternate reality or something but it's really really cool.
Sadly, WW1 isn't as "sexy" as WW2 is, seeing as how the American's didn't get involved until the very end, and there aren't any "Normandy" sequences to feed to American gamers.

As a Canadian, I'd love to have a virtual version of Vimy, the Somme, or Passchendaele.
Yeah a WW1 game sounds like great fun. Chilling in a trench for several hours hoping you don't get gassed or a rock/bomb dropped on your head from an enemy pilot only to hear a whistle blow and mount an infantry charge and be cut to ribbons fifteen feet from your trench by a Jerry machine gun.

There is a reason this has not been done before to a large degree.
Bal-Sagoth said:
Yeah a WW1 game sounds like great fun. Chilling in a trench for several hours hoping you don't get gassed or a rock/bomb dropped on your head from an enemy pilot only to hear a whistle blow and mount an infantry charge and be cut to ribbons fifteen feet from your trench by a Jerry machine gun.

There is a reason this has not been done before to a large degree.

Boiled down like that, even the Normandy invasion would be boring as hell. You freeze your ass off in a landing craft, and when the doors drop, you're shredded by German machine gun fire. Whoopee.
there's also a really old DOS game called "History Line 1914-18". It's a turn based strategy game like Panzer General or Battle Isle.
I remember playing it quite often in my youth, though graphics might be daunting nowadays :shock:
rcorporon said:
Bal-Sagoth said:
Yeah a WW1 game sounds like great fun. Chilling in a trench for several hours hoping you don't get gassed or a rock/bomb dropped on your head from an enemy pilot only to hear a whistle blow and mount an infantry charge and be cut to ribbons fifteen feet from your trench by a Jerry machine gun.

There is a reason this has not been done before to a large degree.

Boiled down like that, even the Normandy invasion would be boring as hell. You freeze your ass off in a landing craft, and when the doors drop, you're shredded by German machine gun fire. Whoopee.

A lot of WW2 games dont play by the rule too, so if there was a FPS of WW1 you would probably go on the "CHARGE!!" and then have to do stuff (gather enemy inteligence), i can even imagine you attacking a trench with those weird contraptions that they call tanks. :mrgreen:

But if someone ever made a game about WW1 probably wouldnt be a american developer for the same reasons rcorporon said and that the americans didint "SAVED THE DAY".

Thanks Flop and Painy for the sugestions, too bad The Darkness is console-only and i dont have any consoles. :(

If someone else know another WW1 game please post it here. :D
But if someone ever made a game about WW1 probably wouldnt be a american developer for the same reasons rcorporon said and that the americans didint "SAVED THE DAY".

True. Cept it's not like they "saved the day" in WW2 either, they just like to think so ;)
Ausdoerrt said:
True. Cept it's not like they "saved the day" in WW2 either, they just like to think so ;)

If all I ever learned about WW2 was from movies / tv shows and video games, I'd think that there were only 2 beaches at Normandy, and the 101 Airborne were the most elite fighting group of all time.
There's always Warfare 1917, but it's a flash game.

I'm with Bal, trench warfare isn't exactly the most interesting for games. There are some old Red Baron games though, but I'm not sure if they are any good.
I don't know why everybody seems to think that WW1 was all about trench warfare. There were several other fronts, besides the western front, which btw didn't start out entrenched.

In fact, I think the rapidly changing military doctrines might make such a WW1 game particularly interesting.
Besides, one could focus on elements like:

-charging across no man's land
-taking an enemy trench and close combat
-gas attacks

Perhaps WW1 games would be better represented in a "grand strategy" PI style game.
There was a halflife 1 mod that I thought they were making for source, where you are germans vs english.


Looks like it could be pretty neat.[/youtube]
I loved the Darkness, the WW1 imagery really suited the demonic/dream sequences. Though the period weapons were rather poorly realized. The Western Front done with a BioShock level of attention to detail in world construction would really lend itself to a non standard horror survival shooter.

Anyone remember Shout at The Devil (with Roger Moore)? I'd love to see an open world rpg or even shooter following a similar plot. It would make an interesting WW1 game, getting away from the trenches and strategy gaming.
Painy said:
there's also a really old DOS game called "History Line 1914-18". It's a turn based strategy game like Panzer General or Battle Isle.
I remember playing it quite often in my youth, though graphics might be daunting nowadays :shock:
Same here. I was running it on Amiga 500 :D
GreyViper said:
Well there is Necrovision, some lvls are pure trench warfare, others more Wolfestein like.

About Necrovision:

NecroVisioN is set in 1916 during World War I. The player takes the role of Simon Bukner, a young American soldier recently recruited into the British Army. In addition to German soldiers, Simon soon finds himself fighting supernatural forces, including vampires, demons, and zombies found in locations varying from the battlefields of World War I to secret laboratories and underground caverns.


Along the way, Simon (you) begins to unravel and discover bits and pieces of information about what is going on. This leads him to Jonas Zimmerman. The person behind the monstrosity that has been going on. Eventually, the player travels through trenches, old ruins (first encounter with Zimmerman but was tricked) and finally the stronghold where Zimmerman was last located. At the basement lab of the stronghold, the player discovers a Mechanical walking tank created by the Vampires. Using it, Simon proceeds to a showdown with Zimmerman who commanders a Scorpion-shaped walking tank ten-fold the size of Simon's walking tank.

The only thing missing from this game is undead nazi lolcats :lol:.
Hehe BR4ZIL, I never claimed the plot made much sense, but game play was fun for while. I have to say I liked the starting part end was bit to DOOMish. Still watching dragon go against airplanes, was amusing, riding it not so much.