Worst Inventions in History

Kitty Wigs!?!!?!!?!?!?!!!!?

I laughed so hard I have a stomach ache!!!!


You're right, that is an idiotic invention. Its not only too elaborate for such a simple task but totally unnecessary. I do believe that forcing the baby out so quickly would probably tramatize that area of the female body, rip it, or worse. It should happen naturally and slowly.

In Africa, tribe women just walk out to a tree and stand against it all day and night if they have to, until the baby just naturally slides out.... none of them ever get surgery, a C-Section, take breathing classes, or need a staff of doctors. They've been doing it that way for thousands of years and its worked just fine that way.... and America could really learn a lesson from that.

If I ever made a baby with a future wife, I would not agree to impregnate her if she wanted a C-Section, and leave her if she tried to trick me. It disfigures and scars the body, and the muscles never heal, plus in nearly all cases its an unneeded money making scheme used by hospitals to artificially speed along a process that is fine occurring naturally. I've actually read up on this a great deal. It should only be used when the woman is physically unable to have the baby or if theres a serious medical complication that calls for it. Of course a doctor can just stick his hand inside there and rotate the baby just like they do with calves and horses, but they figure its just easier and a better way to make money by cutting the bitch open. >.> They don't even tell you the muscles will never heal back normally. All they care about is getting you in and out in a hurry, and the green in your wallet.

I laugh at the idiotic masses....

Anyway, an invention like that is just another example of man trying to reinvent a naturally occurring process that is perfectly fine left alone.
Judaeus Apella said:

While I admire your desire to see a 'return to nature' approach (something I think is due in several walks of life these days), I must speak out against what seems to be ignorance on your part on caesarean sections.

You mention you have read a lot about it? Then I suggest you read more. Its not as simple as 'sticking your hand in there and rotating the baby'. I was born to a c-section, and both my parents are doctors. Both knew, and were supported by coleagues, that a natural birth would most likely have killed me and my mother.

It wasn't a matter of choice, it was either that or the likely death of either son and/or mother.

Contrary to what you say, its not all about money. There are still doctors out there that are more worried about the health of their patients than just making a quick buck.

Having said that, I think doctors should refuse c-sections to women who just 'don't want go to through all the pain'.
Judaeus Apella said:
In Africa, tribe women just walk out to a tree and stand against it all day and night if they have to, until the baby just naturally slides out.... none of them ever get surgery, a C-Section, take breathing classes, or need a staff of doctors. They've been doing it that way for thousands of years and its worked just fine that way.... and America could really learn a lesson from that.
Uh huh. I quite agree that unnecessary medical procedures being done for the sake of mere convenience or to skim an extra few bucks off an insurance company is an issue. However, I'd very much like to compare the rate of deaths during birthing -- both for the child and the mother -- between those tree-squatting African women and those who give birth in a modern hospital. Not to mention the rate of death for the infants afterwords.

Further, there are obviously going to be physiological differences between those living in a tribal society and those who live in an urban environment. Diet, physical activity (or lack thereof), and numerous other variables are responsible for that. Any suggestion that everyone should just "get back to nature" (as though people living in cities is anymore "unnatural" than bees building and living in a hive, wolves digging out and living in a den, or beavers constructing a dam) is ludicrous. Beyond the fact that people, in general, don't willingly choose to go from a more comfortable lifestyle to a less comfortable one, there's also the problem of how exactly all these billions of people are supposed to subsist without modern mass-production and farming techniques and technologies. Not to even mention the false "good ol' days" nostalgia -- things only look like they were better in the past because you're not there. For the most part, we're all much better off than any of our ancestors. Really, we are.

As for the topic: yep, people have thought up some crazy inventions. That centrifugal birthing apparatus has to be one of the most foolish concepts I've ever seen.
Well.... they have tons of diseases, polluted drinking water, food and water shortages, and tons of other problems in those countries. So of course they have more deaths in that regard.

But if you let it happen naturally and work with nature in that respect, in a clean environment with a healthy woman, then its less stressful for the mother and its a better experience. There are birthing hospitals that specialize in this, where they create a special environment where you have a baby slowly and naturally. Some places actually have the woman sit in a large pool of water and have the baby under water.

I wouldn't want to be in that pool when all the after birth comes out though.... yeuch!!!

....I also wouldn't want to be the guy who cleans it up after every birth. (double ewwww)

Anyway, most people who go to these places have positive experiences.... and the mortality rate is VERY low.
how the FUCK is the Ka-50 a bad invention? the fact it blows its the blades off and then ejects is marvelous... and it works, most of the time.
which is better to the alternative of auto-rotating down (if you're lucky) and crashing.
Allthough it is a very western problem so to speak, and while I also agree with the Chancellors views on "return to nature" in many areas, I can understand that the prospect of having your clitoris destroyed when giving birth isn't all that appealing either. Don't really know how common that is though.
SuAside said:
how the FUCK is the Ka-50 a bad invention? the fact it blows its the blades off and then ejects is marvelous... and it works, most of the time.
which is better to the alternative of auto-rotating down (if you're lucky) and crashing.

This is Fox News. 'nuff said.
Then there's two more that sound stupid at first, but turn out to be not so dumb:
Maybe read a bit more carefully?

I don't see how "7. Battery-Powered Battery Charger" is a stupid thing though. It all depends on where you are and what you use it for.
The Prankster Fire Alarm Trap must be the least thought through invention I have ever seen.
In case of actual fire: Take one for the team.

Very nice.

Why on earth didn't they just make a contraption that market the hand with ink or something not easily washed off instead.
Most of these are stupid, but to say that the wheelchair "bicycle" is stupid is pretty close-minded and reveals a lack of understanding about the functions of wheelchairs. Not all people who sit in wheelchairs are completely unable to use their legs. They're just unable to walk, either completely or for extended periods of time without complications. The wheelchair bicycle is a rehabilitation device, and has probably been useful for a number of people.

The "Phone fingers" are stupid, but they show a good idea. One of my main problems with the latest touchscreen rave that's represented by the iPhone and all it's comptetitors, is that by being capacitance-based, they're hard to use in -30 degrees celsius conditions, which is often the case here on the North Pole. If someone designed touchscreen gloves, I might actually consider such a handheld device.

Leave it to Fux News to rank useful inventions as "stupid". I guess religious extremism and political foolishness really is a general sign of close-mindedness.
Leave it to Fux News to rank useful inventions as "stupid". I guess religious extremism and political foolishness really is a general sign of close-mindedness.

Bingo. You score =)

I am struggling to understand how anyone takes Fox seriously at all. I honestlly beileve that the News I get from the Onion are much more reliable ;)
Yeah, that or Pravda. The people behind Fox News (i.e owners, major stockholders), probably aren't republicans or religious nuts at all, they just encourage such behaviour on their network to increase ratings and hence, profit. Pretty smart. I'd actually do the same thing.
Guess what I thought when I saw this for the first time:
[spoiler:f5912329c2]It looked like a strange fetish toy. Like colonic-inserting-stuff fans favourite or something...[/spoiler:f5912329c2]
Weird list. They didn't mention the Segway, Ford Pinto or lead-lined 'color changing' cups for children.