Would you be satisfied with static heads vs. talking heads?


Still Mildly Glowing
It's nice having 3-D animated talking heads speak to you, but for dialog with minor characters, would players be satisfied with static heads? I mean, it's not like we're playing FO1 and 2 for the graphics, but having faces for non-generic NPCs would be nice and it'd be easier to pull off than full heads, I think.

What do others think?

Please note, this in no way indicates that I have intentions of modelling heads for NPCs. I've never used 3-D imaging software and I'm too busy with work to learn. I was just curious.
I'm sure creating static faces would make things easy and would give a chance to make TH for all the critters in the game but I'm not really fond of the idea since there are a plenty of chars that have a real detailed description now just imagine if someone doesn't like the way one looks, therefore all the heads should be made optional, and also something else a simple static (pokerface) wouldn't be so good. Personally I would go with creating the emotions for the face like getting angry, blinking, nodding... etc and would save the time with leaving out the talking frames since it doesn't seems that there would be anyone to make the voice for the new heads at least I haven't seen anyone finishing it but in case someone would like to there would be a need to have the 3d models backed up somewhere.
Like Jotisz, I'd rather use my imagination based on the character's description than have a bunch of static talking heads.