Write cool combat taunts!

A few of my favs from FO2:

"I can still hear where you are"
-enclave guard after being hit in the eyes

"I've got another leg"
-enclave guard after being hit in the leg

Some new ones:

"Damn, I had some hard candy in there"
(Hit in the torso.)

"I'm gonna get a prosthetic arm and take you out"
(Hit in the arm.)

"Ooof.. thats the third fucking time today"
(Hit in the groin.)

"Heh watch out I've got eyes in the back of my head now"
(Hit in the eyes.)

"Your kidney is coming out to replace that"
(Hit in the torso.)

"Fuck, anyone see where my eye went?"
(Hit in the eyes.)
Maldarioth said:
"Ooof.. thats the third fucking time today"
(Hit in the groin.)

"Heh watch out I've got eyes in the back of my head now"
(Hit in the eyes.)

"Fuck, anyone see where my eye went?"
(Hit in the eyes.)
Ahahaha :lol: That's plain good old dark humor :lol: Lovely.

THIS is some of the great humor I find in Fallout... Not violence with smiley cartoons... :roll:
Good close combat npc:
"Gonna grind the fuck out of you!"

Npc who kills a lot of other npcs, think of gangwars...
" Who's next?"

"I love the smell of FEV in the morning!"
I don't think there'll EVER be a taunt that beats "this is gonna hurt you a lot and me not at all" but i'll try:

taking damage:
Nothing I can't fix with a little peroxide and super glue.

taking critical damage:
Nothing I can't fix with a LOT of peroxide and super glue.

Near Death retreating:
I'll be back after a level up or two, then you'll be sorry!

Hit in the groin:
Hey watch it! That's my future!

Hit in the eye:
It's a good think I don't know how to read anyways.

Hit in the head:
I'm C-A-T smart!
"I shall forcefully remove thine cranium from thy body and relieve myself yon gaping wound that shall be found upon thy torso."

Ok, seriously:

"I just crapped myself, and I need your skin to wipe!" *BOOM*
Uh, seriously...?

OK, I got one. After a critical hit:

"Ow, goddammit! You know how much water I have to drink from a toilet to heal that?!"

"I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum; and I'm all out of ass!" *chew* - after finishing off a group of enemies

"I've always wondered what it would be like to use your ass as a silencer"

"With my last breath, I curse ZOIDBERG!" - famous last words
I don't see what's wrong with "ripping off" movies. It's call "easter eggs" actually. Also the thread is pretty cool, if only there were no so many moronic\cocky taunts.

It would be cool to have Dirty Harry's "Do ya punk?" Magnum .44 speech when you point the .44 Magnum at someone.

And here's a Lobo ripoff:
After you get shot or something: "Nobody does that to tha Main Man an' walks off entrailus intacus".

Aslo, I'd like to see tount responses. You know, NPCs respond to certain taunts with another certain taunt. Take that completly lacking creativity conversation for example.
NPC1 "Say hello to my little friend!"
NPC2 "Hello."
Here's the speech as seen in the description of the .44 Magnum from Fallout 2:
Being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk

Another one from Dirty Harry:
When someone points a gun at you: "Go ahead, make my day!".
"When i'm through with you, you'll have an ass like a japanese flag"

a bit long I know.

"give me some sugar baby" would be a funny taunt when attacking women