X-Com by Irrational?

Continuum said:

All I cared about is whether it's turn based, and it looks like this one is. I played UFO: Aftershock and the real time combat was the single factor (apart from the bugs) that turned it from promising to utter tripe.
I really like the design of this game...I see various characters eqipped differently and a world map with different sections...I'm actually feeling giddy though...

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
All I cared about is whether it's turn based,

...thats 100% what I was thinking.

The Vault Dweller


Oh God look!

Online Game Magazine said:
Turn-based is a phrase that puts a lot of gamers off of perfectly good strategy games, and while UFO is sort of is turn-based, it sort of isn’t, too, so don’t be put off by the phrase. There’s none of this “end turn” that you have to hit after you’ve played out your moves; it’s a bit better thought out than that. You get to lay out your tactics for each character in your squad and have pauses to create new actions to react to what happens around you. It’s the outer reaches of pseudo turn-based and actually suits this style of action really well, so ignoring this simply for the use of the phrase ‘turn-based’ is quite unjustified.



I found this review posted at their forums and that paragraph appears to show that lame "pseudo-turn-based" thats actually just real-time with the ability to pause. :(
Jarno Mikkola said:
I don't like the new direction of the UFO series from Altar: from "dark" and "realistic" to the funny "manga" (erm... cartoon) and "shiny" graphics. I've been playing Aftermath and Aftershock, which is full of bugs (like DDD wrote) and developers left players only with two patches (because they went bankrupt) and I enjoyed it, really, but not as X-Com "successor", but completely different games.
Online Game Magazine said:
Turn-based is a phrase that puts a lot of gamers off of perfectly good strategy games

Yeah, and that's why Civilizations have sold more than 12 million copies.

The nice thing about Afterlight is that there is a demo you can try (really, I think every PC game should have a demo, for me, enjoying a demo is the foremost reason why I buy a game). I really enjoyed the demo, and the terraforming Mars storyline really intrigues me, so I bought a copy of UFO: Afterlight from GoGamer. Just received it yesterday, in fact.

I don't mind the change in stylization at all. They have done a good job of it, and everything seems to fit together quite well. I believe one of the reasons they changed is to differentiate the characters from one another. The human characters now are much more distinct than in previous UFO games. I really can't see why this change seems to annoy so many people. Especially when it is only continuing a trend from Aftershock.

While I don't have the time invested in the game to get a sense of how buggy it is, I have been hearing good things from the UFO community.

It isn't turn-based, but again it is not something I mind. One thing I really like about Altar is that seem committed to learning from their mistakes. The combat system has been refined from Aftermath to Aftershock to Afterlight.

Well, let us see if change my mind once I get deep into Afterlight.
Good God Kotario are you actually saying its a good sequal? One that isn't worse than its predecessors or...dare I say better in some ways?

I'm too shocked to describe what I'm thinking. I know you wouldnt lie...who would lie about something like that anyway? You have to be telling the truth, but my years of experience just wont let me...admit what must be wrong, but isnt.

It actually feels like my eyes are looking in two different directions at once. I think I better stop describing my symptoms.

:freak: ,
The Vault Dweller


Ahem...Tannhauser not Kotario.
The Vault Dweller said:
Good God Kotario are you actually saying its a good sequal? One that isn't worse than its predecessors or...dare I say better in some ways?
Well, if you consider the predecessors are UFO: Aftermath and UFO: Aftershock, it is not that surprising.

UFO: Aftermath was a mediocre X-Com clone with real-time combat. They simplified a number of elements that made X-Com interesting (such as base construction or funding). Though not terrible, the game wasn't particularly good either.

UFO: Aftershock improved on a number of elements from Aftermath, but took some giant steps backwards as well. Besides being bug ridden, it was one of the most repetitive games I can think of. During the course of the game you will play hundreds of missions on a small handful of maps, and it takes forever for the story to develop. They only way I slogged through the game, to see how the story progressed, was by rampantly cheating. However, Altar did improve both the tactical and strategic levels of the game. In addition, Aftershock differentiated itself more from X-Com.
Another X-Com in the works

So I recently read somewhere that Take 2 has the rights to X-com and is planning to resurrect it. The blurb I read said they're planning an actual sequel and not some Interceptor like spin-off.

They could do nothing more than take the original and refurbish the graphics and I'd shell out 50 bucks for it.

Hopefully its not some blusterey aweful real-time actiony affair.

I will reamin optimistic, just my nature. Anyone else hopeful?

I mean Civ IV was pretty successful right? Hopefully marketing morons will stop underestimating the PC gaming audience.
Hope this one will live up to the original two's name, and not will be like those half-baked clones ... i mean 'spiritual successors'.